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I'm dead

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I'm dead.

Maybe. I don't know yet.

I still feel my body, and I hear my heart, but it is slowing down by each second. I move my feet to get me off of the ground, I look down and see the knife still in my stomach, "shit," I touch my handle and I hiss at the pain.

"Ok," I whisper to myself, I look around and see there is people one the ground that I did not kill, I look out the window and I don't see Damon or Ares out there. "They must me in the house," I tell myself.

Pain goes through my body each time I take a step. I jump when I hear shooting, "Damon!" I yell. I feel my body weaken down at each step, my heart goes down. "Damon!" I yell, but it is weaker this time, I look around each room trying to see if he is there.

I hear another gunshot, but it is closer. I feel myself getting a little but happy. I'm happy to see him again, to hear his voice again.

When I turn the corner I see Damon, I smile, "Damon," I yell weakly, but he still hears it, "shit, Alaska," he runs over to me. I feel my eyes began to close, "Damon, I love you," I whisper as I began to pass out.

But he catches me. "Alaska, I love you too, and you're not fucking dying in my arms," he picks me up, "I'm not letting this happen again.

(Damon Mateo)

After I found Alaska, I got Ares and now we are at the hospital.

And they said that she is going to be ok, but she is now in surgery, and they said that she will get out in an hour pe two, but she won't wake up for a while. The doctor told me that she lost a lot of blood and that if she did not get to the hospital in another twenty minutes she would have died.

But after Alaska gets better, I know that the first thing that she will want to do is kill Ryder, and that is what we are going to do.


After three hours Alaska finally wakes up.

I told Ares and Ares told Bella, but she is not coming till later.

I walk down to her room and open the door; I see her with laying on the bed, I see her eyes flutter open a bit, when she sees me, she smiles a little, I smile back at her, "hi, Angelo," I get on my knees, "hi, my love," she moves her hand to mine, our finger tangle.

I bend down and kiss her on the lips, she kissed me back, "I missed you so fucking much," I whisper in her neck, "I missed you too," she whispers back at me.

I get out of her neck, and I look down her arms and neck, I see buries, "did he do this to you?" I ask, my anger rises up. Alaska grabs my chin making me look at her, "don't worry about it, I'm ok, Damon." I scoff.

I take her hand off of my face, "no, you are not ok, Alaska. He hurt you and I'm going to fucking kill him," he touched what is mine and now I'm going to make him regret for touching what is mine.

She smiled, "I love you so fucking much," she kissed me again, "I love you to, Angelo," she hugs me, "now how about you get some rest," I cup her cheek, "where is Bella?" She asked. I knew she was going to ask that.

I sigh, "Alaska there is something I have to tell you,"

(Alaska Amana)

I'm crying.

I just found out that Bella lost her baby because of she was so sad that I was gone.

She did not fucking deserve that. Bella deserves to have that baby.

I sniff, Damon wipes the tears, "fuck," I sigh, "Alaska before you say it is not your fault," I bit my lip, because he knew I was going to say that "it is-" he cuts me off, "no, the fuck it's not. Don't blame yourself on this," he cups my cheek, his voice is dead serious.

I try to move my body, but I hiss in pain, "shit, Alaska, don't move you need to rest." he lays me back down. When he starts to walk out, I grab his hand, he turns back around his jaw clenches, "stay with me," I say.

He smiles and takes off his shoes and gets in bed with me.


I wake up in Damon's neck. Who is also fast asleep, I can hear his snoring, "Damon, my love," I ignore the pain and I turn on my side. I smile, "your so cute," I run my fingers along his jaw line, he rolls those grey eyes, "don't call me that," he moves his hand on my hip, "yeah, then what do you want me to call you?" I raise my eyebrows, "anything but cute," his jaw clenches, I laugh.

I see his eye brighten up and he smiles, "I miss that laugh," he kissed my cheek. I sigh, "I was getting married to Ryder," I blurt out. My eyes widen at what I just said, "what?" Damon voices turns cold. I close my eyes and pen them again, "he told me that he wouldn't hurt any of you if I married you," I inform him.

Damon's face softens, "he wouldn't hurt us, Angelo," he starts, "I would kill him before he touched any off us," he says. I know that is true, Damon would not let anuthing happen to anyone in our family. I nod, "I know you woudn't let anything happen to them, but I just," I trail off.

Damon cups me cheek, "I know baby," he gets up from the bed, "I got to go back to the house, why don't you get some rest. Bella will come out when you wake up," he tess me and gives me another kiss.

Word count: 1069

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-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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