34~ "Yes"

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Be ready for this chap it is not going to be fun

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read

TW rape, sa

I wake up in a dark, small room

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I wake up in a dark, small room.

I'm lying in a small bed with no sheets. My eyes squint adjusting to the little light in the room. I groan when I feel pain in the back of my head. I reach my hand back to my head and I feel blood.

"Hurensohn" (son of a bitch) I curse in German.

Then the memories come back to me. I remember coming out of the room, going to get me and Damon a drink. Then something hit me in the back of the head, I turned around and I saw Ryder.

Fuck I saw Ryder.

Fear and anger go through me like whip flash.

I look down my body and see my pants are ripped, my shirt is gone and I'm just in my bar. My breath knocked out of me, my heart pounds, "no, no, no," I whisper, again and again.

Tears go down my face, "please no," my voice breaks. I get off of the bed and I try to walk but a chain was wrapped around my ankle, so I couldn't leave. I sigh and go back to the dirty bed.

Then the door opened. My heart leaped out of my throat when I see Ryder, he smirks walking closer to me, "hey, baby doll," he said coming closer to me, "take one more step and I will rip you apart," I snap.

He just laughed, "sure, baby doll," he sets at the end of the bed, I move over to the top of the bed, as far as I could get away from him. He turned his head, his blonde hair falls on his face, he moves closer to me, "please don't do this," I sob.

He just smirks, and grab my ankles dragging me to him, "no," I scream, kicking my feet, trying to get out of his hold, "yes," he said. He put me under him, and he gets on top of me, "get off of me," I cried.

He covered my mouth and ripped my pants off, I whimper, closing my eyes, knowing what is going to happen next.

He took off my underwear off, "fuck you're so beautiful," he cupped me, "Don't please," I beg. Tears go down my face, "shh," he kissed my breast, "I already know what you want," I shake my head, "het the fuck off of me," I bite his hand.

He hissed taking his hand off of my mouth, I give him a glare, "you bitch," I feel a hard slap on my left cheek. My head goes to the side and my body falls to the bed. Tears well in my eyes, as my hand rest on my cheek, "you fucking don't bite me or I will kill you," he grabs me by the throat, my head hit the wall behind me.

"Do it," I bite out, "I fucking dare you, but when Damon finds you, you would have wished that you have not killed me," I say. He squeezed my throat harder, to where I couldn't breathe. "Ah yes, Damon," he moves my hair behind my ear, "I can't wait when I sent each of your body parts to his doorsteps," he trailed his fingers down the valley of my breast.

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