13~ Mafia ball

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Heyyy mfs

How was your day

Bro my mom says that I'm laze but here I am writing 2000 words or less all day

Boi then you do it 😒

Bro I need a life 😭

Anyways have a good read and i will see you tomorrow

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"Do I look fat?" I turn away from the mirror and look back at Bella, "do you really want me to answer that?" My mouth drops open, "no, Al, you do not look fat, you have the perfect body shape," she looks up and down my body, I smile, "thanks, Bell...

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"Do I look fat?" I turn away from the mirror and look back at Bella, "do you really want me to answer that?" My mouth drops open, "no, Al, you do not look fat, you have the perfect body shape," she looks up and down my body, I smile, "thanks, Bells" I go to my closet and grab my dress, "so who is taking you too the ball?" Bella asked as she helped me up on my dress, "um, Damon is taking me," I mutter.

She stops what she is doing ad looks at me with a big grin, "when?" I clear my throat, "this morning," I feel my cheeks grow hot, she makes a sound, but before she could talk I did, "but that does not mean we are together, we are just friends," I feel a burn in my mouth sating that me and Damon are just friends.

I don't want to be just friends.

A frown touched her lips, "damn," she mutters, "come on I want to get this dress on," I change the subject. When we got the dress on, I look at myself in the mirror, "you look beautiful, Al," Bella place her chin in my shoulder, I glance down at her, "thank you, Bella," I place the side of my head on her forehead, "love you," she mutters, "love you too," I mutter back.

We set they're for a second before the door opens, me and Bella turn around and I see Maya, "we got to do your hair," she holds up a bag, "I'll be getting ready," Bella tells me, I nod. Bella gives Maya hug then walking out of the room, "so what hairstyle do you want?" Maya sets the bag down.


We are finally done; I got my hair up into a French braid and it is put up in a bun, two stings of hair are down on my face. I got my makeup done too, I have a dark blue smokey eye, and dark red lipstick. "I love it," I smile looking at myself, "you did awesome, Maya," I see a faint blush appear on her cheeks, "you have a good night, Alaska," she comes by me, I look at her, "you're not coming?" she shakes her head, "no, I'm going to spend time with my boyfriend," she blushed darker.

I smirk, I bump my shoulder on hers, "well you have fun," I wink at her, her eyes widen, and she turns around, "U-um I got to go," she stumbles on her words, I bite my lip stopping me from laughing, she goes to the door, "have fun," she mumbles and goes out the door. I let out a laugh, I let out a big sigh and straighten out my dress, the door opens, and I see Nev come in, she gasps when she sees me, "damn girl, you hot as hell," she whistled, I chuckle, she opens her arms and gives me a hug, "Damon s going to fall to his knees when he sees you," she whispered in my ear.

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