24~ Mall

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

I watched the new jurassic park

I love it it was so good

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Also there is a smut scene in here

And it will also be the last smut scene for a minute


And have a great read

I wake up to Damon between my tits, "Damon you mind?" I glance down at him, he gazed at me softly, "no," he kissed down between my tits

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I wake up to Damon between my tits, "Damon you mind?" I glance down at him, he gazed at me softly, "no," he kissed down between my tits.

I sigh, "Damon as much I would love to do this, me and Bells are going to the mall with Kat," I say, he does not stop and kissed to my nipple.

My mouth drops open and I use all of my body strength to flip us over, I straddle him and put my hand around his throat. He smirks and looks at my uncovered tits, I roll my eyes, "Damon. How much do you want me? love," I kiss his chest, I tighten my grip around his throat, "so much that you would be fucking surprise if I told you," he rasped.

I smirk, "good," I rock my hips feeling his erosion underneath me. Damon groans and tilts his head back; his hands find my ass.

Then I let go of his throat and get off of him, "sorry, but I'm not going to skip time with my sister or my niece to have sex with you," I smile, he groans.

When I was getting dressed, I see him put his hand down his pants, "don't jerk off, my love," I holler, "Figlio di puttana," (son of a bitch) he cured under his breath, I chuckle. He gets off of the bed, "I'm takin' a cold shower," he mumbled before walking in the bathroom.

I laugh.

I put on some baggy grey pants and a black pain shirt, I put my hair up into a simple braid, I get my purse and went downstairs, I see Bella kissing Ares, "break it up lovebirds," Kat comes out of her room, "ew," she crinkled her nose when she sees Ares and Bella.

Ares pulls from Bella, "be safe, Amore," he whispered, Bella smiles, "we will lyubov moya," (my love) she kissed him once more, "come on, let's go," I mutter grabbing Kat's hand, and going out to Bella's Jeep.

I put Kat in her seat, "I can do this, you don't have to," she says getting her seatbelt, I smile and kiss her forehead.

It has been four days since she been kidnapped, Bella tells me that she has nightmares. But she is getting better, even though we can all tell that she is just hiding it so we don't have to worry about her.

She's too young for this.

Ace has been in his room all days, even though he is only eleven he acts live a fucking grown adult. I had him go to the doctor about the cut that he got, and the doctor said that he is going to has a nasty scar going a bit above his eyebrow to his cheekbone, he luckily missed his eye.

He is also too young for this shit.

When we reached the mall, it was already packed, "stay with mommy," I say to Kat, "I will, I'm not stupid," I snicker, "good," I help her out of the Jeep. Kat goes to Bella; Bella grabs her hand pulling her closer. As we got inside the mall, we go to the first store. 


When we got done, we spend like over a thousand dollars, and we spent like all day there.

We drove home and I go up to me and Damon's room, "what did you get?" I gasp when Damon dark voice came from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "nothing," I whisper, he hums, "you sure you did not get anything for me?" He breaths in my scent from my neck, "no," I drawl out.

I'm a fucking liar.

Damon chuckled in disapprove, "then you don't mind me going through your stuff?" My eyes widen. He did not get me a chance to answer he just grabbed the bag that I wanted him not to.


I sigh, closing my eyes and reopping them to see that Damon is smirking, he pulled out a red lingerie set, "Angelo, you are such a bag girl," he drops the set and comes over to me, I gasp when he picked me up, I wrap my legs around his waist, he pressed me against the back wall, "I think you need to be punished, hm?" I nod, I feel myself being drenched.

He kissed me, I moan and so does he, "cazzo, Alaska mi fai impazzire," (fuck, Alaska you drive me insane) he whispered breathlessly. His words only make me wetter, "Ich weiß, du machst mich wahnsinnig, wie willst du," (I know, you drive me insane as will) my mouth drops when he rocked my hips, I feel his thick and long, hard erosion, on my covered pussy.

"You save that set; I'm going to want you to wear it, but not now. Don't put it on till I say so," he ordered, I moan as he cupped my pussy over my pants, "yes," I breath, Damon smirked, "good girl," my heart beats got louder and louder.

I whimper wanting him to touch me some way, "touch me," I demand, "bossy," he nipped my earlobe, "just how I like it," he ran his hand up my thigh and into my pants, "oh," I moan when he thrust two fingers in me, I clench around him, "fuck, your drenched, Angelo," my mouth opens letting out a moan. I rock my hips, "fuck," I whisper already feeling close to my orgasm.

My stomach clenches, "oh fuck, I-I-I," I let out a scream as my orgasm hits me, "I love you, Damon," I moan, he groans, "I love you too, Alaska," my body calms down and turns into jelly, my legs shake my ears are ring at the most powerful orgasm I ever had.

Damon lets me calm down, my breathing calms down, I whimper when he pulls his fingers out of me, "go on the bed and lay down, you need rest and I will clean you up," I take my body to the bed.

When he comes back, I am almost asleep, "can we do that again?" I smiled, Damon chuckles shaking his head, "I think you will pass out, if I finger fucked you again. And I'm not letting you pass out like that," when he is finished cleaning me up, he gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I'' be going to bed in a whil, I got to stay up late tonight," I look at the clock and it reads 21:45.

I nod, "love you," I kiss him, softly, "I know, you said that when I fucked you, and when I fingered fucked you in the car, and about five minutes ago when I fucked you," I blush biting on my lips.


I clear my throat, "do you hot to make everything sexual?" I joke, he grins, "with you? everything," he kissed my nose. 

Of course he does.

When he left my room, I fell asleep right away.

Word count: 1254

Heyyyy hoes

How was the read

Make sure you vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Also who is your favorites author

Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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