7~ I want her

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

There is a little smut scene in here so have funnnn

Have a good read


(Damon Mateo)

I want her.

Fuck, I need her. Ever since I came back, I been holding myself back trying not to fucking push her against a wall and fuck the life out of her, she has been in my mine since the day that she left me and now that I'm here with her I'm out of my mind.

I just want her to be mine. And only mine.

Footsteps come from her room snaps me out of my thoughts, I look up and see Alaska in only in a long t-shirt.

Fucking hell.

I feel my pants grow; I move my hands on top of my pants, "good morning," her sooth voice only makes me harder, "morning," my morning voice comes out deep and raspy. She gives me a short smile and goes to make breakfast.

I get up from the couch and walk over to her. I get up right behind her and put my hands on arms, "what are you doing Damon?" She let out a tiny gasp, goosebumps goes across her skin, I smirk at what I can do to my angelo.

I run my fingertip slowly up for tan skin, her breathing deepens, I lower down to her neck, "Damon," she breaths, "yes angelo," I move her hair, reveling her neck, "please," she whispers, I smile and finally kiss her neck, I groan at the taste of her neck, she lets out a tiny moan, "fuck you don't know how long I wanted to do this," I start to suck.

Her head leans back, "Damon," she whimpered. That whimper went straight through my body and down to my cock, which is painfully hard. I press my bottom to her ass making her fell what she can do to me. "Do you know how long I wanted to kiss you, feel you?" I pause and kiss the shell of her ear, "feel you wet and warm pussy around my cock," I bite the lobe of her ear, she whimpers, "answer me angelo," I rasp, "a long time," she gasped, I smile, "good girl," then I turn her around and kiss her plump lips.

I moan at the taste of her, she moans in my mouth, I snake my tongue in her mouth, "fuck, you taste so good," I run my hands up her curvy waist, "tell me how beautiful you are," I kiss down her neck, she hesitates, "Alaska tell me how beautiful you are, don't make me repeat myself," I voice becomes hard, "I'm beautiful," she said in a small voice, I smirk against her skin, "good girl, and don't think any different." I grab her chin making her look at me, "you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, angelo," she smiles, "thanks," then she plants her lips on mine.

I groan when my phone starts to ring, "don't answer it," she mumbles, biting my bottom lip, "is your roommate here?" I ask as I lift her up in the counter, she shakes her head, "no," she breathes, grabbing my face, I grip her hip pulling her closer to me.

I run my hand down the middle of her stomach and lift up her shirt, "are you wet?" I breath, she does not answer me, but takes my hand and put it in her lace underwear, "feel for yourself," she kissed down my neck, I smirk.

Alaska has never been shy when we had sex, but she was never shy when she took control, the only time she was shy is when I took control.

I run my fingers down her folds finding her drenched, "you so wet baby," I tilt my head back when she stars to suck in my neck.

Then my phone ring again, I groan, but still keeps on rubbing her clit, her moans get higher and higher as I rub her clit faster and rougher and rougher.

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