41~ Acid

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

My cousin tried to light me on fire tdy 😕

But I'm ok 🦶🏼

This book is almost done Soo be read

It we still got a lot of chap to got to but just be ready 😃

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read


I'm lying on Damon

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I'm lying on Damon.

He woke up this morning and woke me up telling me he is going to work; I was hurting too much to get out of bed.

RIP. my legs.

But he came back about an hour ago and now we are here.

Damon is running his fingers up and down my bare back, "Alaska," he whispers softly in my ear, I smile against his chest, "Damon," I whisper back. I feel him smile at me.

I move my head and rest my chin on his also bare chest, "good morning, Angelo," he kissed my forehead, "how do you feel?" he asked with a smirk, I glare at him, "wonderful," I flash him a smile. He rolls his eyes.

I try to move my legs, but a sharp pain goes between my legs, "what are you doing today?" Damon asked as I finally got out of the bed. I have to hold on to the bed from me to stay standing up, "I'm going to get some answers out of Ryder," I say, "if I can," I mutters. Damon gets out of the bed, "I'm coming with," he told me.

I sigh and just not, not even going to argue about it.

After almost an hour of getting my clothes on and fixing my hair, I finally was done. "About fuckin time," Damon grunts, when I walk out of the bathroom. I send him a heavy glare, "try walk after my boyfriend fuck your soul out of you," I snap. Damon just smirks.

When we got to the basement, I see Ryder tied up to a chain by his wrist, his shirt is off and he has a bloody nose, he also has no shoes on.

"You, ok?" Damon arms come around my waist, pulling me to his chest, "yes," I let out a breath. Damon kissed my temple, "let me know if you need me, and I will," he leans on a wooden stool.

I take a long breath in and let it out slowly. I smack him upside the head, "разбудите черта," (wake the fuck up) I spoke in Russian. His eyes slowly open then squint adjusting to the light. When he sees me his face twist up in anger and discuss.

"Ты сука," (you bitch) I smile at his kind words, "спасибо я ," (thank you, I am) I grab a knife and point it at his chest, "подскажите мне, где я могу найти ирландскую мафию," (tell me where I can find the Irish mafia) I tilt my head, "Я не говорю тебе дерьмо, шлюха," (I'm not telling you shit, slut) I head Damon get off of the stool, but I turn around. "Set back down I got this," he does what I say and sets back down.

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