28~ Care {changed}

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Heyyy hoes

how was your day hope i made it better

ok some of yall prob know that I changed this whole chapter bc the original one was dissaspetfull

also go follow my insta please it will make me much happeir


Have a great day or night

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A hand slapped me in the face

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A hand slapped me in the face.

That fucker.

My jaw clenched, as so does my hand. My leg flies up and the back of my boot hits the fucker in the face.

He fell on the floor. Out cold.

I let out a breath.

Gun shots ring out, I flinch and quickly turn around, I see Damon grab someone that had a gun pointed at me, Damons large hand went arounds the guy's throat.

The dude was not small at all, but Damon picked him up like he was a feather. I walked closer still keeping my eyes on them. The guys beg Damon to let him go, but Damon does not listen, instead he looks right at me and smiles, "hi, Angelo," he reached and grabbed my hand.

He placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Hi." I drawl averting my eyes from Damon to the guy that he has in his literal hand. "You're bleeding." Damon eyebrows pull. Really? I feel on my face and feel blood drip down my cheek. "I didn't notice."

Damon dropped the guy that was sobbing by now. And Damon pulled out the gun he has in his pants, and hot the guy straight in the head without breaking eye contact with me. "Let's go home, so we can take care of that."

I nod my head as we walked out of the house.

Once we were at the house everyone was gone.

Damon took me to our room and into the bathroom. he shut the door behind him, I sat on the counter as he reached down into the cabinet, pulling out the first Aid kit.

My eyes flutter close as he dabbed a wet cloth on my upper cut on my forehead. They open and see him focusing. I chuckle making him look at me. He smiles at me, "what?" He throws the bloody cloth away.

"Nothing," I mutter as he pressed a soft kiss on my forehead. He hums softly laying his chin on the top of my head, wrapping his arms around me, I do the same, putting my arms around his waist, pressing my head to his chest.

I hear his heartbeat, making me smile.

Damon pulls my body closer; I gasp when I fill his erosion. I lift up my head seeing a smirk on his lips. "Really?" I glare at him. Grey eyes find mine; my glare instantly melts.

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