40~ Knife play

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We are now in America

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We are now in America.

"He should be in one of these warehouses," Damon spoke through the earpiece. I look at Bella, "I'll go the one on the left," I tell her. She nods, "Bella will be in the right one, and I'll be in the left," I tell Damon.

I hear speaking through the earpiece, "ok, just be careful," Damon spoke softly, I smile, "I will, my love," then I turn off the earpiece. I walk to the front entrance of the warehouse; I slowly open the door with my foot.

When I see that no one was in the front I look in the back, that is when I hear footsteps coming my way. I rush behind one of the carts. I make sure whoever is there can't see me, I poke my head out to see who it is, and I see Ryder.

I smirk and watch as he walks past me. I get up and walk behind him, I make sure that I was two steps behind him, and I knock him out with the butt of the gun. He falls to the ground with a thud, I sigh in relief.

I turn on the earpiece, "I got him," I spoke, "good girl," Damon rasped behind me, I gasp turning around and see Damon with a smirk on his face, "don't scare me like that again," I glare at him, he smiles showing his dimples, making me melt right there.

Damon looks at Ryder's body on the ground, "you, ok?" He moves the hair behind my ear, I nod, "yes, my love," I kiss him, he kissed me back harshly, his hands goes to my ass and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist, he nips my bottom lip, my mouth opens allowing his tongue in my mouth.

He sucks on my lip, "Damon, we got to go," I pant, pulling away from him. Damon glance at me with those now dark grey eyes, he licks his lips, "I'm going to fuck you as soon as we get home," my body heat goes all the way up to havens.


Well, he was right...

"Damon take off my shirt," I pant. Damon shut the door with his foot, he grips the bottom of my shirt and pulls it off of my body and tosses it to the floor, Damon hands goes all over my body, his hands find my ass and lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms lock around his neck.

He kissed me hungrily, I feel him walk to the bed, I gasp when my back hits the bed. I'm drenched and wanting him now, "you sure?" He muttered in my neck, I hum, he nipped my neck, "words, Alaska," the way he said my name makes me shiver. "Yes, Damon," I pant.

He grins and reaches behind my back and unclips my bra, I arch my back letting him remove my bra.

Damon kissed my shoulders to my tits, when he wraps his mouth around my nipple, I moan arching my back, I reach grabbing his hair, "Damon," I moan, my eyes fluttering close.

Running Away From Love || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now