9~ Sex dream

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(Flashbacks) (when Damon found out that Alaska was a spy)~•~

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(Flashbacks) (when Damon found out that Alaska was a spy)

I walk into the bedroom with Damon. I am scared what he might do to me since he just found out that the only reason why I'm here is that I was spoused to kill him.

I rub up and down my arm as he shuts the door behind him and looks at me with dark grey eyes, "I'm sorry," I finally speak up, my heart jumps when he walks closer to me, I move backwards but I hit the wall behind me.

Damn wall.

"Do you know how much trouble you are in," he grabs me by my chin forcing me to look up at him, "n-no," did I just fuckin stutter? Wow.

A sinner smirk goes on his lips. My eyes flutter shut when he grabs me by the throat and pulls me towed his mouth, "Angelo, you just got yourself into a bad situation," then he kissed me, I gasp taken back at what just happen. I then kiss him back with the same force, "you are going to get punished for what you did," he nipped my lip still holding me by my throat tightly.

I feel a warm puddle in my underwear, "Damon," I groan as he kissed my neck, "say my name louder," my mouth drops open when he rubbed his knee on my warm heat, "Damon," I say louder, he starts to rub rougher, "oh God," the pulse between my legs beats louder aching for him.

Damon chuckles, "God's not in the room, angelo," he picks me up, my legs imminently wrap around his waist, he puts me on his bed, I grab his chin and kiss him, "fuck me," I groan, he rubs his knee deeper, I roll my hips, "I can feel how wet you are," I roll my hips faster, "are you getting wet my fucking my knee?" He breaths, I whimper nodding, "is that a yes or a no, Alaska?" He tilts his head, "yes," I moan, "your suck a greedy little slut, fucking yourself with my knee, fucking greedy," he kissed me deeper, I open my mouth allowing his tongue in.

We both moan at the taste of each other, "Damon, please," I need him to feel that hole that is screaming out for him. He hums, "do you deserve to be fucked?" Damon gently lies me down on the bed, "y-yes," I choke as he goes down to the end on my shirt and pulls it up with his teeth, "give me one good reason why I should fuck you," this bitch.

I let out a sigh, "I'll be a good girl," I breath, he comes up to my face, "no you won't," he chuckles. My heart pounds against my rib cage as he runs his large hand down my side, "promise me one thing, and then I will give what you need," my eyes brighten, "what is that?" I breath when he pulls up my shirt and goes down to my pants, "promise me you'll never leave me," my body stiffens at his words. Then I let out a sigh and say the two words that i knew I was going to break, "I promise."

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