53~ "I need you."

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

I'll post this coming week or next idk but it will be around there

Also I'm so behind on my school work like I'm not joking but anyways

Anyways how do y'all like this book please answer

Anyways vote and comment and I'll see you later


Have a great read hoes


My eyes flutter open, and I see Damon looking at me right in my eyes

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My eyes flutter open, and I see Damon looking at me right in my eyes. I smile, "good Moring, Angelo," he said in a morning voice, he leaned in and kissed me slowly.

He put his hands on my hips and tries to move me on his lay, but I curse and move his hands off of my hips from moving me. "Alaska," he winces. I glare at him, "I'm sore, Damon," I say as I feel a sharp pain between my legs.

Damon smirks, "yeah?" He gets on top of me, his bare chest almost touches my bare chest, his hands on either side of me. I stuck in a breath, and nod. I breath when he runs his fingers down and under the covers to my legs.

I put my arm around his neck and pull him down to my face, "do it and I will cut all of your fingers off," I smile, he smiles back and kissed me. I gave in and kissed him back. He fingertips touch my bare pussy.

My mouth opens slightly, "Damon," I whisper, he smiles against my lips, "I know, baby, I know," he slides one finger up my wet folds, I clench my hand in his hair. Damon hissed.

I cried out as he thrust two fingers in my sore pussy, "Damon," I cried out his name. He placed soft kisses down my neck, "how sore are you?" Damon asked quietly. "Very," I whimper, my legs shaking.

He groans, "you don't know how good you feel around my fingers," he bit my neck, I moan my head going back, "Damon please," I beg. He slid his fingers in and out slowly, I moan lowly.

His fingers hit that spot in me that make my legs shake and my eyes to roll back, "Damon, please fuck me," I beg, needing him in me again. "You sure? Your sore," he slides his fingers out of me.

I nod, whimpering, "please, I need you." I kiss his neck. Damon gets off of the bed and takes his sweatpants off of me and boxers. I see his thick hard cock, my mouth waters. He gets on top of me and tare the blanket off of me.

He eyes my tits, and my tattoos all over my body, then goes down to my pussy. He looks in my eyes as he licks up my pussy, my mouth drops open with a moan, "oh God," I whisper as he parts my legs with his veiny hands.

He smiles, "you calling my name, Angelo?" He smiles, I smile back at him, "always," I moan, my head falling back. He gives my ass a harsh slap, I gasp my legs going to close but he keeps them open.

"Eyes on me, Alaska," he sucked my clit. I moan my head raising back up. He smiles at me and give me a small wink, "good girl," he ran his tongue at my entrance, I clench my fist with the bed sheets.

"Damon, fuck me," I say. Wanting him now. He pulled my clit ring. I jerk. "Say please," he groans between my legs. "Please Damon, please fuck me," I grind on his face. He grips my thighs, "now that's a good girl for me," he kisses up my stomach to my neck to my face and then to my lips.

I lift my legs around his waist, I gasp when I feel him at my sore pussy. "Take it slow please," I whisper in his neck. He nods slowly, "yes, Angelo," he kisses my neck.

I gasp when h slowly pushes in me, "oh fuck," he groans, he takes my hands and tangles them with his. I whimper, my sore pussy stretching out more. "Damon, it hurts," I whisper, my eyes slamming shut.

Damon rubs circles in my hand, "I know baby, I'm sorry," he pushes in me more. I cried out, my head goes back into the pillow. My nails dig into his hand, he groans out lowly, "I love you, Alaska," he whimpers.

I get more wetter at his voice, "I l-love you too, Damon," I say with a shaky breath.

When Damo was all the way in me, he sighed in my neck, "tell me when to move," he whispers. I nod.

After a couple of minutes, the pain goes down but not all the way, but pleasure took over more.

"Move," I lift my hips up more. He smiles and moves in and out of me. My moans get higher and higher as he speeds up more, but not harsh it was the right pace for me.

Both of our bodies were coated in sweat. The sound of our moans and whimpers and are skin slapping echoes around the room.

"Oh God. It feels go fucking good," I moan, my mouth parted. Damon lips laned on mine, he kissed me slowly then fast then slow again. I bit his bottom lip making him groan.

My stomach clenches, I clench around him, "don't," he said roughly. Tears go to my eyes as I try to hold it in, "Damon I-I can't. Please," I sobbed.

"Shh," he wipes the tears that fall. "Be a good girl and cum for me," he grinds down on me, his upper stomach hitting my clit. I cried as I came, "fuck, fuck, fuck," I chanted. He rocks my him with his hands as he did not let my orgasm come to an end.

His breathing gets heaver, "good," he moves the hair out of my face. "So beautiful," he muttered, I smiled.

His movements get sloppy and jerky, and I know he is not going to last long. "Fucking damn it," he groans as he pulls out and spills all over my stomach.

I kiss him and he kisses me back, "I'm so sore," I whisper against his lips, "sorry, Angelo," he rubs my thigh with his thumb.

He gets off of me and go clean himself off and comes back with a washcloth and washed mt belly off. I sigh, he goes down to my pussy and kissed in between my thighs. I close my eyes. When he was cleaning me up, he picks me up.

My eyes snap open, "wha-" he cuts me off, "you're taking a bath," he informs me. I bit my lips and lay on his chest.

When he is done fling the bath, he put me in it. "I got to go to Germany," he said. My gaze snap to his, "what? Why?" My eyes got big, "don't worry, I'll only be for a day, I'll be back tomorrow, Angelo," I let out a sigh, "promise?" He nods.


Word count: 1249

Heyyyy hoes

How was the read

Calm before the storm right


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I'm also starting Katherine and Sebys book too so be happy

Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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