21~ Wished

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

I'm sorry I'm last af but I did not feel good and I was hot af

Anyways vote and comment and that would make me feel better


But only a little scene

But it is hot ig


I wake up to a burning and sharp pain between my legs

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I wake up to a burning and sharp pain between my legs.

I can't walk.

I try to move but I can't because of the pain and because of Damon was on top of me. "Damon get off," I groan. He groaned in my ear, making shivers run down my spine, "be quiet, Angelo," he rasps in my ear.

Not going to lie I got wet...

I can feel his soft dick on my uncovered pussy.

I feel him lay soft kisses on my neck, "Damon, fuck me," I whisper. I want him, here and now. I can feel his soft dick turn hard, "are you sure? I can tell your sore," he gets on his elbows, looking down at me, "yes," I nod, "ok, I'm going to go slow since your sore," I feel my heart flutter and a warm smile go across my face, "thank you, love," I kiss him.

He kissed me back softly, he reached down and took his boxers off and throwed them to the grown, I bite my lip when he put the tip in my entrance, I lean down and bit his shoulder. When he pushed into my sore pussy it was like fire going all over my body, but it was a hot and burning fire that made you feel good.

I cried out, "Damon," I whimpered, "I know," he grunted, sounded hurt, "fuck, I hurt," I throw my head back into the pillow, "do you want to stop?" He asked, concerned, I shake my head, "no, it hurts so good," my sentence turning into a moan with me rolling my eyes back as the pain turns into pleasure.

"Good girl," I can hear the smirk off of his words. He slowly goes out, I sigh digging my nails into his skin, "how much do you love me?" Damon asked thrusting back in me, "I love you more than anything I have ever laid my eyes on, Damon," I spoke the truth. I love him more than anything.


My eyes flutter open, and I see a smile on his face, "I love you more than anything in the world too, my Angelo," he kissed me. Then he speeds up his thrust, my mouth open allowing his tongue in, "oh, fuck," I moaned when he hit my spot, I kiss him back sloppy, he dragged his nails down my stomach to my pussy, my hip buck wanting him to touch me there, "Damon now," I order.

Then he touched my clit, a groan escaped my mouth, "shit," I hissed when he pulled on my clit ring, "motherfucker," I mutter, Damon snickered. He rubbed me slowly, and fucked me slowly, I moan and groan with every thrust, Damon meeting my groans as I clench around him.

My stomach tightens, "Damon, I'm coming," that is all I say before I let out a tiny scream when I release. Damon pulled out and with a groan he came on my stomach.

He put on new boxer's and sweatpants and went to the bathroom, I hear the bathtub running, I feel a smile on my face knowing what is coming. He walks out of the bathroom with a washcloth and wiped my stomach, he thew the cloth into the dirty laundry.

He cupped my face, "you're so beautiful, Alaska, I don't know what I will do without you," he whispered softly and gave me a quick and soft kiss on the lips. "Come on, let's get you in the bath," he picks me up and we go to the bathroom, he closed the door and sets me down in the bathtub, I glance up at him, he was already looking down at me with those grey ones.

"Take a both with me," I say, "please," I add, his lip turned into a smirk before taking off his clothes and joins with me.

After we were done with the bath, he dried me off and brushed my hair, "can you walk now?" He asked cockily, I give him a sharp glare, "a little. You can go to work, I'll be down in the basement," I lean on his hard and large chest, he kissed the top of my head, "ok," he muttered before walking out of the bedroom.

When I get up, I wince at the pain, I walk on shaky legs to my closet. Today I chose something comfy and nice, I chose a sage green color of sweatpants and a matching green hoodie with it. I go downstairs after I finished putting my hair up in two French braids.

I see Bella with a cup of coffee in her hand, my eyes brighten up, "um, thank," I grab the cup from her hands, "bro," she glared at me, "don't bro me," I snap, she scoffs, "you sound like a mom," she rolled her blue eyes.

We set in silence as I drink my warm cup of coffee. Then Bell's gives me a smirk, my cheeks get hot as I know what she is about to say, "I heard that you and Damon got down and dirty yesterday morning," I let out a breath to not let my cheeks get hot as it is going to be, "um, yea," I say slowly, Bell's laughed, "and you used to talk about me and Ares. Damn you woke me and him up, even Kat came in and said, 'hey mommy what is that noise?" My eyes widen and my mouth dropped open, "oh shit," I drawl out, "poor Kat," I whisper.

Bells waved it off, "after she crawled in bed with us, she fell straight to sleep," she grabbed an orange and started to pill it. "She really is innocent," I chuckle, Bells nod, "she is, I'm glad, she is not going to be like us, or not have any boys in her pants," Bells popped an orange into her mouth. I hum, agreeing with her.

Then I see Ares with Kat walk into the kitchen, "hi, lyubov," (love) she kissed Ares on the lips, then she holds up Kat placing her on her waist, "hi, mily," (sweetheart) she kissed Kat on the forehead.

I smile to myself.

I wished that I had my mom and dad...

Word count: 1129

Heyyy hoes

sorry for the short chap

Anyways I will see you tomorrow

Vote and comment plzzzz

Also Ares or Damon

And Ares and Bella or Damon and Alaska

I know hard one...

Toodles loos

-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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