5~ The text

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Heyyyy hoes

I'm posting a little earlier 😞💪

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Byeeee hoes

I have always been afraid of men

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I have always been afraid of men.

I guess it was just my past. Men just hurt my mentally and physically, and what Ivan did to me hurt me badly. Bella used to beg for him to do it to her and not me, but he would never listen.

I thought I was never going to find a right man that would threat me right. But that is till I met Damon. He treated me right and he loved me, he even told me, but that night when he yelled at me when I told him I was going to leave he yelled at me for leaving him.

"Alaska you can't fucking leave me, you're the only one I have left," I knew he had Ares, but I know he was not talking about that.

He did have a girlfriend, but his father killed her because he thought Damon would get soft, but that just made him more anger at her father. I also know that Damon had it worse than Ares, his father hurt Damon more than Ares, but they both had it bad, and they did not deserve that.

"You know what would look good in this house?" Nev popped me out of my thoughts, I hum "what?" I set my chin in the palm of my hand, "more plants," my mouth drops open, "we already have like twenty plants in the house, I don't think we need more," she rolls her eyes, "I got to go to work, what are you going to do when I'm gone?" she gets up from her bed and takes off her shirt putting on a new shirt on.

"I think I'm going to go to the gym today, I have not been there in three weeks," I tell her, "are you going to take Mr. pretty face with you?" she wiggles her eyebrows, I roll my eye, "it is not like I have a choice, do I?" I lay on my back looking up at the celling, "no I think," he drawls, I groan. "We ran out of whisky, can you go to the store and get more," I tell her. "Ok I will, bye," we hug each other and say our goodbyes and she left the house.

Damn is still sleeping on the couch.

When I was about to get up my phone rings, I sigh and grab it and see that Bella is calling me. I smile and put the phone to my ear, "hey," I can hear the smile on her face, "hey, what you doing?" I lay on my side, "nothing, just asking what is going on over there," she said, "nothing really, Nev just left for work, I'm lying on my bed, and Damon is still sleeping," I say. "Still no luck finding your parents?" A sigh came out of my mouth, "to be honest I just stopped looking for them, I searched everywhere for them, and I can't find shit," I explain.

There was a moment of silence between us before Bella spoke, "do you want me to come over and help you?" she asked, I shake my head, "no, it is fine I will find them. it just seems like they are hiding, but from what and why is what I don't get," I mutter, "ok, well if you need any help, you call me, I can leave Kat here with Ares and I will be on the next plane," I smile. Bella has always been helpful even when she did not want to be.

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