65~ Birthday

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Ok I said I'll post it on Friday but I wanted to do it earlier

I hope your ok with that

Also it is SMUT STATION Ahhhhhhh

Anyways vote and comment and I'll see you on Monday probably

Also I got a surprise for you at the end

Have a great read

And don't be a quit reader


Today is my birthday

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Today is my birthday.

"Ugh," I groan, turning on my side, "come on," Damon tries to wake me up, "no," I cover my head with the blanket. He sighs, "I will drag you out of this bed, Alaska," he threatens me. I roll my eyes.

But I gaps when I feel his hands on my feet and he drags me down at the end of the bed. My ass hits the floor. I huff. "Really?" I glare up at him, me smirks down at me, I roll my eyes and put my hand up, waiting him to help me up.

He takes my hand and lifts me up, "thanks," I snicker. He rolls his eyes.

It been two weeks since Adam was caught, we have not tortured him, but we have not given him food at all, but we give him a cup of water every day. I want him to have a very slow and painful death.

I take my sleeping shirt off and my underwear. I turn on the slower and step in it.

About five minutes Damon came into the bathroom. He takes off his clothes off and entered the bathroom.

Damon wrapped his hands around my waist, and he started kissing my neck, I moved my neck to the side to give him more room, "happy birthday, Angelo," he said in my ear, I blush, "thank you, my love," my breath hitched as he ran his hand down my stomach.

"I'm thinking of giving you a very good birthday present," his fingers hit the tip of my pussy, I whimper, "are you ok with this?" He asked, I nod, "yes," I choked.

Without any more words he slides his fingers don my folds, I bit my lip, resting my head back against his shoulder. He wrapped his hands around my thighs and spread them more apart. I gasp as he started rubbing my clit.

I moan, my legs turn jelly, he helped me up.

It has been so long where I been touched or even had sex, and now that he touched, it feels so good.

Soon I was a panting and moaning mess, "God this feels so good," I said through moans and pants as he keeps thrusting his fingers in me. He kissed my neck to my up and up to my lips.

We connected lips, it was slow and hot, his tongue slide through my lips. He groans in his throat as I clenched around his fingers, he knows I'm close. My legs start to shake. The hot water drops all over our body.

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