19~ Tease

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

Bro I got a shot in my mouth and I was numb af

I bit my cheek and I did not feel a thing till I felt my skin 🥲

And then school starts so I might be able to post on the weekends or he'll I might just not do work and post for you guys

But anyways vote and comment FIR SMUT NEXT CHAPTER


are you guys happy 🤨


I'm lying in bed with Damon who is still asleep

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I'm lying in bed with Damon who is still asleep.

We been asleep all day and it is five thirty in the afternoon

I roll over facing Damon. He is on his back, his hands behind his head, he is wearing on shirt, so I can see all of his tattoos.

"I can feel you staring at me," I gasp, "sorry I did not know you were awake," he lift up and put his back on the headboard, "good morning," I grin, "come here," he smirked, I get out from under the covers and crawled in his lap. I put my arm around his neck as he held on to my hips.

Damon sighs, "much better," he mumbled, I smirk and rock my hips a bit, Damon snapped his hands down to my ass, stopping me from moving my hips, "Alaska, what do you think you're doing?" His jaw locks, "what? I'm not doing anything," I ask innocently, Damon lick the inside of is jaw, "sure," he pulls me closer to his face.

I look down at his lip, "I want to kiss you so bad," Damon rasped, I lick his lips slowly, my eyes closes, "please do." Then I feel his lips smash on mine, I moan and so does he, "fuck, you taste so good," he pulls me closer.

I feel his hard on, on my covered pussy. All I just want to do is just rip our clothes off and have him right here, right now.

I slowly start to rock my hips. Damon groans and kissed me rougher, I bit his bottom lip, I allow his tongue in my mouth, I tilt my head to the side, "fuck," he groans, I ran my fingers through his soft dark black hair, "Damon," I groan, he rocks my hips faster.

I break our kiss and kiss down his neck, his hand goes up my back to my hair, I moan when he pulls on it making my head go back, my eyes flutter shut when he runs his tongue up my neck, "damn it, I wish that I could fuck you so hard right now," he mutters under his breath, "please do, Damon, I want you so bad," I beg, he chuckles against my neck making me shiver.

"Not today, Angelo, you're not ready," I know how big he is, and I literally cried when we first had sex. "I don't think I can wait," I say still sucking on his neck, "me nether, you don't know how much I was to fuck you till you don't remember your own fucking name." My body gets hot as he say them words.

I'm going to have to change my underwear...

A knock on the door makes me jump to my side of the bed, Damon put the blanket over his erosion, I cover my body, "yeah," Damon hollers, the door open and I see Bella.

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