12~ ball shopping

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

I got to get surgery on my gums Lmao

Chill vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Byeeee hoes

"I don't know what to wear," I groan looking through my closet, Bella comes in with me, "you have like a thousand clothes to wear, I think that you can find something," Bella said looking through my clothes

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"I don't know what to wear," I groan looking through my closet, Bella comes in with me, "you have like a thousand clothes to wear, I think that you can find something," Bella said looking through my clothes.

I finally found a black shirt and some black jeans, "finally," I mutter putting on my clothes, "are you sure you want to take Kat to the ball?" I ask Bell as I put my hair up into a ponytail, she comes up by me, "I think that we will be safe, but Ace is coming so he will keep an eye on her for us," she said, I nod, "come on I want to get this done and over with," I grab my phone off of the charger and we both walk downstairs.

I see Nev with Kat, "we going?" I nod, we all go to Bella's car. I set in the front as Nev and Kat set in the back. and we start to go to the mall.

Bella holds Kat's hand as we walk in, we walk into a dress store and we start looking, I spot a blue dress and goes to my thighs, "you getting that?" Nev wondered, "I don't think so," I pause, "why aren't you finding a dress?" I ask, she shrugged, "it's not really my thing. If you guys were going to a club or a bar, I would but a Mafia ball. Yeah, I don't think so," I chuckle, "I don't like Mafia balls aways, but I have to go. but they always in up the same, a shotting, someone getting hurt, or drunk and causing fights," I sigh.

I continue to look at dresses but not fine a good one, "AL what about this for Kat?" she holds up a cute red long dress, it is sparkly, one sleave is long and the other one is short, "I like it, does she?" Bella looks down at Kat and she smiles, "can we get it mommy?" She tugs on her shirt, "I think she does," she mutters, "yes we can get in, then you can help mommy get a dress," Kat smile big.

I look through dresses again, "I don't think that I'm going to find any dresses," I turn to Nev, "yes you are. Not keep looking you will find something," she's right I need to keep looking.

After twenty minutes I can't find a dress. I was going to give up till I found a long black dress it has a slit that goes all the way up to my hip bone, it is also long sleeved, you can see my cleavage and it is see through on my chest but you cannot see my boobs, "I like this one," I hold it up to let Nev see it, her eyes widen, "it is beautiful," she gasped.

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" She nods, "yes," she smiled, "did you get a dress?" Bella asked making me turn around, "yes, look," I hold up the dress, her mouth opened, "I love it Al," she smiled, "thanks, did you get a dress?" I asked, she...

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"Are you sure you don't want to go?" She nods, "yes," she smiled, "did you get a dress?" Bella asked making me turn around, "yes, look," I hold up the dress, her mouth opened, "I love it Al," she smiled, "thanks, did you get a dress?" I asked, she lifted up a short red dress, in the middle of the dress it goes down to where you can see a lot of cleavage, it is tight where you can see all of your curves, "it is going to look so good on you," I tell her. "Thanks, Al," she gives me a quick hug.

"Now let's get home I'm tired," I yawn, "yes, please," Nev mutters. After we paid for our dresses, we stop and get some food then we go home, when we get home Nev goes straight to her room and Bella put Kat asleep, I have been staying in her room for the bast three days, "is the ball tomorrow?" I sat down by Bella, "yes, the American mafia is not going to be there, so I don't think there is going to be any problems," I hum, "I did hear that someone took over, after you killed John," I take a sib of my beer, she nods, "yep, her name is Katherine Knight, she is very sweet at what I heard, she is not like her parents," Bella informed me, my mouth opens into a 'o'.

Then I realized that Sebastian was talking about that her parents wanted to get them to marry to make a larger Mafia, but when John died Katherine took over and I don't think, but I'm not sure, but I don't think that she wants to still marry him. "Seby has told me that Katherine parents wanted her to marry Seby," Bell looks at me confluently "who the hell is Seby?" I let out a laugh, "it is Sebastian, it is a nickname that I made a long time ago, before I left," I say between laughs. "Oh," Bell's chuckles.

We set in silence for a couple of seconds, before Bella talks, "you should tale to Damon," she blurts out, I lock my lips before looking at her, "Bella I can't right now, I really can't," I sigh, "I know, but maybe he had a reason to," she said vaguely, "do you know something that I know?" I scoff, she shakes her head, "no," she looks down.


Then Ares comes in, "hi Amore," Ares kissed the top of Bella's head, "hi manwhore," Ares rolls his eyes at his nickname, he goes to the fridge and grabs himself a beer, then I see Damon come in, I sigh and put my head down, I feel my cheeks get hot.

Even after he said that he does not love me I still blush around him.

Damn him.

Bella looks at Ares and she gets up, "um, we got to go wake up Kat," I glare at her as she winks at me, "Damon," I nod at him, "Alaska can we talk?" I hesitate before speaking, "sure," I let out a breath, he smirks before setting on the chair that Bella was at, "can we still be friends?" He looks at me with those grey eyes, I feel my heart jump out of mt throat into my mouth, "sure," I say, it felt like knives stabbing me over and over again said I agreed.

He smiled, "good," he let out a sigh of relief, we stare at each other in the eyes for a second before I pull away, "I still love you no matter if you don't love me back," that is all I say then I get up and go to Nev's room.

No matter what.

Word count: 1170

Heyyyy mfs

How was the read

Ik this chap is short but I promise that the next one will be longer

Something came up sooo yaaa

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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