23~ "Kat's gone"

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Heyyy hoes

How was your day

So I will be posting lay from now on but not late late just an hour later

Anyways have a great read

There is also a smut scene in here

Told ya this book is going to have a lot of smut in it

But y'all love that dont you 👀

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


A knock on the door makes my eyes flutter open, I yawn and get out of bed

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A knock on the door makes my eyes flutter open, I yawn and get out of bed. When I open the door, I see Bella with a panic look on her face, "what?" I spoke, "Kat's gone," my shoulder drops as anger and panic goes through me.

We walk into my room, and I start to get dressed, "what happen?" I ask, "Neveah got out somehow and she took Ace and Kat," my jaw locks, "we'll find them," I tell Bella, her eyes swell up in tears, "what if she's hurt, Al, I can't live if that happens," her voice cracked, I give her a warm hug, "it is going to be just fine, we will find both of them, I'm sure that they are not hurt," I pause releasing from the hug, "and Ace will never let anything happen to her you know that," she nods wiping her tears.

I put a gun in the back of my pants. "Do you know where they might be at?" We go out of my room and downstairs. Bella nods, "when she was born me and Ares put a tracker in her arm," she pulled out her phone, "we know that when she gets older Damon will switch his places with Kat, so she will become the first leader of this Mafia that is a woman, so we decided to get a tracker so if her ever got hurt or kidnap we would be able to track her," Bella informed me.

She clicked on an app, and it shows where they are at, "there not too far from here," Bells muttered, "where is the boys at?" I look around and I don't see them, "in Damon's office, can you go get them and tell them that we found them," I nod and get up to Damon's office. When I walk in, I see them at the desk talking. When they heard the door open, they look right at me, "we found them come on," they both get up and we go to our cars, "you're riding with me, Alaska," Damon grabbed my hand and we get in the car.

Ares and Bella were already gone when we got in Damon's car, "you know where there at?" Damon asked I hum, "yes, now let's go," then we got down the road.


It was about twenty minutes before we got to the place. I see an abandon house in the middle of nowhere, we all made sure that we parked where no one could see us. We get out and all of us take our gun out, "Me and Damon will go in the front, you guys can go in the back." They nod before running to the backside of the house. Me and Damon go in the front, "stay where I can see you," Damon whispered. I open the door with my foot and slowly walk in.

There were two men with guns in their hands. Me and Damon look at each other as we raise our gun, I made sure we put on our silencer in before we got into the building. I aim it at the guy at the end, and we both pull the trigger at the same time, both of the guys fall to the ground making one other guy turn around pointing the gun at us. 

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