15~ Pregnant

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Have a good read


My door burst open, I turn around and I see Bella, with a worried look on her face, "what's wrong?" I put my phone down, "I think I'm pregnant," I set up at the words, "what!" I shout out, she nods, her bottom lip wiggles

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My door burst open, I turn around and I see Bella, with a worried look on her face, "what's wrong?" I put my phone down, "I think I'm pregnant," I set up at the words, "what!" I shout out, she nods, her bottom lip wiggles.

I go over to her and hug her, "are you not happy?" I rub her back gently, "yes, I am, I'm just shocked," she let out a breathless laugh. She gets out of my arms, "but I don't know if I really am." she paused, "so, can you come to the store with me?" she bit her bottom lip, I grin, "of course," I grab my phone, "I got to tell Ares I will be out of the house, I'll be back," she rushes out of the door.

I can't believe she might be a mother again; she is an awesome

I always wanted a kid, but I didn't think I would be a good one.

My door open, but I did not see Bella, I see Damon. I set up off of my bed, "yes?" I tilt my head. He looks up and down my body, "where are you going?" He demanded, "to the store," I was not lying, but I did feel like I was. He glances up at my face as he was searching for any lies. Damon licks his lips, "ok who are you going with?" Why are you so nosey?

I sigh, rolling my eyes, "with Bella, now can I go?" I point at Bella right behind Damon. Damon mouth twitched up, "sure," he said softly. Bella already downstairs when I started to walk out the bedroom door. Me and Damon make eye contact as I walk out.

Me and Bella go to her Jeep wrangler, "how do you know that you might be pregnant again?" I ask as we start down the road, "morning sickness, my boobs getting bigger, I gained a lot of weight," she glanced down at her stomach and back up at the road, "have Ares been wrapping his-" before I could finish my sentence, Bella gave me a death stare, "I'm taking that as a no," I mutter looking out the window.

When we got to the store she goes to where the test is, she grabs two boxes, "are you doing this here or at the house?" I ask as she puts the test at the checkout line, "home, if I am I'm going to have to tell Ares," she gives the money to the man. "And don't even think about telling anyone, I want to keep this quite till I know I'm going to have another baby," I nod in agreement.

We get in the Jeep and drive home. We go to Bella's and Ares's bathroom, "you think I would be a great mom?" I as she pees on the stick, "um, yes," she says in a 'duh' tone, I roll my eyes, she flushes the toilet, she puts the test on the counter, I jump up in the counter, "I would love to have a son," she smiled at her own thought, "what are you going to name if it is a boy?" I ask.

She looks up thinking, "Lorenzo," she smiles, "I'll like that?" I thin my lips, "you think Kat will like that?" I wonder, "probably not but she'll get used to it," I know Kat is used to be an only kid but she is almost seven so I think she will learn.

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