16~ The picture

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Heyyyy mfs

First of all I'm sorry for this chap

Um anyways

Vote and comment have I will see you tomorrow

Have a good read



I watch as Jade and Bella play with each other

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I watch as Jade and Bella play with each other.

I still can't believe that Ares named the dog that he got for Bella after her.

He loves her so much...

Ace comes down the stairs wearing grey sweatpants, "you need to learn to wear a shirt," Ares already goes around in his boxers and I see enough of that. Ace ignores me and walk to the kitchen. I sigh.

I get up and go to Bella's room, "hey I'm bored," I groan plopping on the bed. Bella just continues to fold her laundry, "Bella," I snack the clothes form her hand, "what?" She puts her hands on her hips, "I'm bored," I throw my hands up in the air, "is your other friend here?" She picks up her shirt, "no, she went to the bar, she will be back later tonight," I roll over on my side, "Ares told me that we might have to get someone that might have information about the Irish Mafia," Bella goes and put the clothes in for closet.

I follow her, "sounds good to me, I'll get ready," I was walking away when Bella calls me, "hey, can you go Damon's office and see where the papers are? They are in a blue folder," She asked, "sure," I go down the hall and to Damon's office, I open the door and I do not see him.

I go behind his desk and look through his desk. All I see his paperwork. When I did not find it in his desk, I go to his cabinets, I open them, and I see a lot of whiskey and alcohol drinks, I move them, and I see a folder, but it was not blue it was white and had my favorite flower on it. I go to reach for it, but I stop.

Should I?

Hell yes.

I grab the folder and open it, the first thing I see was a picture of me. I was smiling with a lot of roes in my hand. Then it came to me, Damon took this picture of me. I move the picture and I see notes.

My eyebrows pull as I read it.

It was like an apology to me, it says things like, "I'm sorry angelo," or like, "I do love you, don't think I don't," I flip another page and it was the something over and over again, "I love you Alaska Amana," over and over again, for I think ten pages.

my eyes widen when I see a picture of me, a draw picture. It was beautiful.

My hair was curly and blown back like I was in the wind; I was wearing a long black dress. It looks like I was on a rock by the sea, I had two flowers in my hand, one was a red rose, and the other was a white rose, I was smiling.

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