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I feel someone shaking me, my eyes flutter open, and I see Damon in my face, "what?" I crook my eyelids falling, "you need to get up, angelo, we have a plane to catch," my body stills, "shit," I whisper getting up from the bed, "I'll wait for you ...

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I feel someone shaking me, my eyes flutter open, and I see Damon in my face, "what?" I crook my eyelids falling, "you need to get up, angelo, we have a plane to catch," my body stills, "shit," I whisper getting up from the bed, "I'll wait for you guys. The plane should be here in two hours," Damon told me that we are taking his private plane.

Damon walks out of the room, and I go over to Nev and gently wake her up, "we are leaving in two hours, so get your ass up," I shout from the bathroom, she groans.

I take a shower first then she does. We already packed our bags last night so we wouldn't have to do it this morning. "How long does it take you to shower?" I groan walling in and still see Nev in the shower, "as long as I want it to be," she huffs, I roll my eyes and fix my hair into a ponytail. When I was done putting on makeup and my clothes, I go out into the living room where I see Damon on the couch his legs are spread.

Then flashbacks from last night came to my mind, I close my legs tying to ignore the tingling between my thighs, "um, Nev will be out in a second then we can go," I tell Damon with my back towards him, "ok," he mutters, I fix me a cup of tea and I see Nev walking out, "ready?" she nods, Damon gets up, "let's go the plane with be there in ten minutes," I see Damon grab our suitcases, "you don't have to," I say pointing at my suitcase, he shakes his head, "it is fine," he shrugged it off.

Nev looks at me with a smirk, I glare at her. We go down to the car and start driving to the jet. When we make it to the jet, we immediately get on, "damn," Nev whispers looking around, "I know right," I gaze at the inside. This is not my first time on this jet, but it has been a while.

"We will be here for a while so get comfy," Damon sets down, I go and set by him Nev sets right in front of us, I see Nev slightly fall asleep, "Nev there is a room in the back you can sleep in," I tell her, her eyes open and grins, "don't mind if I do," she gets up and runs to the back.

Me and Damon both laugh, "how did you and Nev become friends?" Damon asked, I gaze up at him and see those grey eyes staring right at me, "well the first night that I got here I walked into the bar, and I had a drink or two, or more I can't remember, but I got drunk, and she saw me pasted out on bar and she took me to her place. The next morning, I woke up and she gave me come meds for my headache and I liked her, and she liked me then we became friends." it is a weird story but at least I have a friend.

Damon looked amused, "she seems nice," I nod in agreement, "she is," I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder. "How long till we make it to Italy?" He looks at his watch, "not that long, maybe an hour," he says, I yawn, "ok well wake me up when we get there," I mutter closing my eyes, he hums and puts a blanket on me, "have a good rest, angelo," he whispered.

Running Away From Love || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now