64~ Dead

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Heyyyyy hoes

So this is the last chap

Hopped you guys liked the book I know I had fun writing it

Anyways vote and comment and have a great read

Love ya


My eyes flutter open, and I see everyone in front of me

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My eyes flutter open, and I see everyone in front of me. I was in a chair, my hands were tied together.

My eyes land on Damon. I glare at him, "fuck you Damon," he smiled at me, "love you too Alaska." He chuckled. "So why did you side with us?" Adam looked at Damon, he shrugged. "She was getting annoying, and so was Bella, to think about it," he smirked at me.

"Fuck you," I spat. Damon walks over at me, "oh but you have," he leaned into my ear, "and your pussy was the best part of you," he chuckled in my ear. "I hate you," I said in a strong voice.

He backed away from me, smiling. "I loved you," tears went down my cheeks. "And I didn't so shut the fuck up," he grabs a gun.

Adam smiled, turning to Damon. "So, what should we do to her first?" He said as he looked at me.

"Oh nothing," Damon said.

Adam's smile fell as I smirked, and took my hands from behind the chair, untied.

He turned around and Damon shot three guards in the head as they pulled out their guns. Damon throws me my guns and I caught them, I turned around and killed four people, I seen more assassins come downstairs.

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Adam trying to escape. I take out my knife and throw it at him, hitting him in the back of one leg. "Shit," I whisper as I see him still walking to the door and seeing more assassins come at me.

I look at Damon and see that is hands are full. I look at the chair and broke one of the legs off. With one hand I point the gun at Adam, and i point it at his other leg. He screams out when I shot him. He falls to the floor.

I sigh, pointing the gun at the three assassins coming at me. I pull the trigger, but no bullets came out. I groan and throw the gun to the floor. I break the other chair leg, so I have two.

"Alaska watch out," Damon yells, I look to my side and see a man coming at me, I look to my other side and see another one coming. "Shit," I yell as they pull the trigger, I drop on my back and see the bullets fly pass me and see them and they hit each other.

I press my lips together holding in a laugh.

My eyes snap up when I see a guard looking at me from above me, with a gun pointed at me. "It about someone kills you," He whispers, "think again," Damon takes the gun from him and hit him with it.

He falls to the ground; Damon helps me up. Before Damon could shit him, I use all of my strength to push the end of the chair leg through his heart. "Fucking bitch," I take the wood out of him.

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