45~ "Their Here"

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

You are going to hate me for this but yolo

Um see you at the end

Vote and comment I'm see you later ig


I woke up alone in bed

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I woke up alone in bed. Damon said that he was going to the warehouse today, and he asked me if I wanted to go, but I declined because I had to get some questions out of the person in our basement.

I jolt out of my bed when my door slammed open. My eyes widen when I see Bella crying, I get out of the bed and go over to her, "hey, what's wrong?" I hug her, she hugs me back tightly. "I'm pregnant," my mouth drops open in shook. "Really?" She smiles nodding her head, I smile, kissing her cheek.

"Oh my God," she cried in my neck. I feel a tear go down my cheek. "Did you tell Ares?" I grab her hand and take her over to the bed, she shakes her head. My eyebrows pull together, "and why the hell not?" I tilt my head, "I don't know, I just found out, and I don't know how to tell him." She looks to the grown, her voice shaky.

I grab her hand, "tell him, he'll be happy," I squeeze her hand. She gives me a small smile, "I love you, Al," she comes closer to me and gives me a hug, I wrap my arms around her neck, "I love you too, Bells," I sigh in her neck.

We pull away and she gets off of the bed, "go talk to him, I'll be in the basement," I get off of the bed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and put on some clothes.

After I was done with my hair I go to the kitchen, I fix mee a cup of coffee and I get me some strawberry's. After I got finished with that I go down to the basement. I grab a bucket and I go to the basement bathroom, and I feel it up with cold water.

I go to him, and I go over to him and pour it on him, he gasped, and jolt awake. I throw the bucket to the ground. "Good morning," I put my hands on my hips. He gives me a glare, I roll my eyes and go ang get a knife, "Ok. How about you tell me where Adam is and I will go easy on you," I pull up a chair with my foot and set down on it.

He does not talk to me, and I take the knife in my hand, and I slam it down in his thigh, "tell me," I grit out. He screams out, trying to move is hand but can't because of the chains. I get closer to his face, "tell me or I will cut out your eyeball," I take the knife out of his leg, but point the tip at it on his wound, making a whimper leave out of his mouth.


When he does not talk, I push the tip in more, "I will keep on, till I feel the bone," I push the knife in more. I smile when he whimpers. "Fine," I huff taking the knife out of his thigh, he let out a breath, tilting his head back. "Oh, you think were done.  No, we are just getting started," I chuckle placing the knife on the table and go grabbing the acid.

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