67~ Waterfall

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Heyyyy hoes

How was you day tdy

Tdy chap is going to be shot and boring so yah

I'm all out of ideas bc it is the end of the book

Anyways vote and comment and I'll see you later

Have a great read hoes

And never be a quit reader

And never be a quit reader

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Two Months Later...

Two months as went by, and I feel much better than I felt.

Kat is better, but we haven't found Ace. It's like he disappeared forever.

Yes, Kat misses him, but she found another friend his name is Noah. They meet in the school that they go to, and I did a background check on him, and I did not find anything bad.

Me and Damon are back to our old self. 

But today is my mothers' birthday.

And me and All are at her graveyard.

Yes, I didn't know my mother, but she is still the one that gave birth to me. And I know now that she loved me, and so as will with my father. They both loved me.

I glance from her grave and I look at All. She did the same with me. I take out my hand, she does the same, our hand connect with mine, I sigh, putting my head down on her shoulder, "let's go home. It's started to snow," All said.

I look up and see small white flakes come down on the grown. I hum.

I look down at my mothers' grave on last time before we head back to our car. "I found a place," All finally said as we got into the car. My eyes widen, and I smile, "I'm happy for you," I give her a hug.

I turn on the Jeep and we start to head home. "When are you moving?" I put my elbow in the middle of us, resting my head with my palm. She smiles at me "I'm think by the end of the month.

I hum, "I'll help you move," I would love helping my sister. She nods, "thank you Als," she thanks me.

When we got to the house, I turn off the Jeep and we went into the house.

The first I see is Seby. He was eating a strawberry. He slowly turned his head and smiled when he sees it was us, "where have you been? I haven't heard from you in three months." I lay my elbow on his shoulder.

He glanced at me over his shoulder, "been working," he snipped, I roll my eyes. When he goes to grab another strawberry, I take the bowl away. "The hell," he set up from his seat. "Sorry but I'm making dinner," I chuckle.

He rolls his eyes, "I don't like your food," I gasp. I grab the steak knife and throw it at him. Before it could reach his face, he caught it, "really?" He gave me a dumb look, and he placed the knife on the corner.

Damon walked around the corner, "Roman called my food shit," I crossed my arms, Seby gave me a glare, "don't call me that," he has always been called Sebastion, but his real name is Roman.

I roll my eyes, "don't tell me what to do," Damon snaked his hands around my waist. I sigh at the warmth of his body. My head tilts back, Damon leaned down and kissed me. I sigh.

"Yeah, I'm going," Seby gags. Me and Damon chuckle. The front door shut.

I turn my body at him, "what are we going to do now?" Kat went to school, and she won't be back till 3. 

Damon shrugged, "I just got done with work," he traces his fingertips along my jawline. Adam died last week so we don't have him to play with. Bella and Jade came into the kitchen and between our legs.

I smile, letting Damon go and getting on my knees, placing both my hand on their heads. "We should get a cat," I look up at Damon. Damon lifts his eyebrows, "your allergic to them," he crossed his arms. I roll my eyes, "you can get over it," I muttered.


A sigh escaped my mouth.

When Jade and Bella were done with me, I was covered in dog hair, "I think I swallowed some dog hair," my throat inches. Damon chuckled.

Damon comes over to me and lifts me up, I gasp wrapping my hands around his neck, "why don't we go to the waterfall?" He wondered. A smile touched my lip, "sure," me and Damon haven't had some time with each other.

The two months has been busy. For both of us.


After we both got ready, we go to the waterfall.

It was about an hour ride to there. When we got there, it was foggy and misty.

Best weather.

Damon and I went up to the spot that we always go to. I sat down as we reached the top, Damon set down right by me, I place my head on his shoulder, "I love you," I blurt out, he glanced down at me.

He smiled. "I love you too, Alaska," he grabbed my chin and kissed me.

Word count: 900

Heyyyy hoes

Told y'all tdys chap is boring but I hoped you had a good read

Vote and comment and I'll see you later

Have a great day or night

Love ya


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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