61~ Any Less

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Heyyyyy hoes

Ik I said I'll post like the chaps but I'm posting this one and the next two like Monday or Tuesday

That good

Anyways vote and comment and I'll see you later hoes

Have a great read

Love y'all


I'm still in the hospital

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I'm still in the hospital.

Right by Alaska's hospital bed.

The doctors told me that she lost a lot a blood and would have been dead in five minutes if I did not bring her when I did.

Yes, I'm mad at Alaska, but I know why she did what she did.

There was a lot of emotion on her, and I was too stupid to see that she was hurting. Yes, I know she was hurting but not that bed to where she will try to kill herself.

But I'm just mad that she did not want to get help. I know she has not been good at telling her emotion, but she could have tried to tell me about them, but even a tiny bit, but she didn't and I'm mad at myself for not seeing it.

But here we are.

I'm holder her hand, rubbing it slowly, I know that she can feel my touch, but she is tired to where she can't open her eyes.

I called Vic and Sebatian that she was here. And they came right away. Right now, they are outside waiting for her to wake up. I'm happy that they are here for her, and Alaska will be happy that they are here for her whenever she wakes up.

I did not tell Ace or Kat, because Kat will worry, and she already had enough on her. Both of her parents died and now her aunt tried to kill herself, it just won't end well.

And Ace won't care.

I'm worried about Ace really. All he cares about is Kat and that's all. He's cold and even I'm scared of him. I'm just scared what is future is going to be like.

Suddenly Alaska's hand moved from my hand. I look up in widen eyes. I see her eyes slowly futter open. "Hi, Angelo." I grab the back of her neck, kissing the open of her head. "wha-" her voice dies down at the end.

"Shh, don't talk," my thumb goes across her cheek. Her brown eyes look up at me in sorrow. "I-I'm sorry." she looks down at her wrist. "This is embarrassing," her cheeks turn bright red. She averts her eyes away from mine.

"Alaska, this is not embarrassing," tears go down her cheek. "Sweetheart," my hart breaks to see her like this. "Please down cry," I wipe the tears and I turn her face at mine. "Your strong, ok." She shakes her head. "No, I'm not," she cried.

I set down on the side of the bed next to her. "Yes, you are Alaska." I kiss her lips. She gives me a weak smile. "I love you so much, Alaska. And this is not going to make me love you any less," I smile. She smiles back at me.

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