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Heyyyyyy hoes

How was my hoes tdy

This chapter is very triggered and I told y'all a lot of times

Anyways vote and comment and have a great read


I have been at work for about three hours after Alaska told me to go back to work

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I have been at work for about three hours after Alaska told me to go back to work.

To be honest I'm worried for her. I hate seeing her like this. I wanted to stay with her. But I know that she needed space and I gave it too her.

Suddenly in the middle of my meeting I get this gut wrenching feeling about Alaska. "I got to go," cutting the man off. I grab my jacket and head out of my office.

When I get to our room I don't see Alaska anywhere. I walk out of the bedroom and I went to Aces room where Kat his. "Have any of you seen Alaska?" I say looking at both of them on the bed. "No." Kat say looking down as she continues to draw on her pad. I look up at Ace and he shook his head. I sigh and close the door.

I check all of the room in the house and the garage and I still can't find her.

Then I remember that I did not check the bathroom.

I go back to our bedroom and open the door.


And what I saw was the moment I lost everything.

I say Alaska lying on the floor, blood all over the floor. I see blood coming from her wrist. And I knew what she have done.

"No." I get on my knees. Not caring that blood was getting on me. "Alaska please no," I sob as I hold her tightly. I move her hair to the side and I press my fingers to her neck.

I sigh in relief when I feel her heart beat. But it was slow and I could barely feel it. I feel tears down my face. "Alaska stay with me please." I lay her down and I take off my tie and wrap one arm around it to stop the bleeding for now.

"Ok come on, Damon." I close my eyes and lift her up. I see her eyes open up a bit and she sees me. I see her chest rise up and down. "Alaska, shh," I se her try to open her mouth but she does not have the energy to talk. "Alaska please stay with me," I say through uneasy voices. When I see her eyes roll in the back of her head.

When I get her in the car I waste no time to go to the hospital.

"I need help," I yell as I run into the entrance of the hospital. I see a nurse run to me. "Help please," I please he on the hospital bed. "Sir I need you to take a seat I will take care of her." She says as the other nurse takes Alaska down the hall.

I set down and I rub my hand up and down my face. I feel tears go down my face.

I can't lose Alaska she is the only one I have anymore. I can't lose the only one I love.

It always happens to me and I just want my family back again. I just want what I had in the past.

Where Alaska was happy. When My brother was alive. When I was even happy. I miss every part of that. And I always will.

But I just need too Alaska to be alive.

Word count: 672

Heyyyy hoes

Ik your mad at me and all

But the question is.

Is Alaska alive or not

Your going to have to find that out in the next chap sadly 😔

Anyways vote and comment snd I'll see you tmr or the next day

Just give me a min to write the next 4 chaps kk?



-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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