3~ Work

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Heyyyyy hoes

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It is 1 in the morning I need to get to sleep 😭😭

Sooo how are you liking this book

I watch all scream movies today

I feel proud 🥲

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Have a great day or night and have a great read


A knock at the door almost made me drop my coffee, "damnite," (damn it) I mutter

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A knock at the door almost made me drop my coffee, "damnite," (damn it) I mutter. I already know who it is, it is Bella. I set my coffee cup down on the bar and walk to the door. When I open the door, I see Bella and Kat beside Bella, "hey," Bella smiles and takes Kat's hand. I shut the door when they were both in.

"Where is Damon?" Bella looked around searching for any sign for Damon, my breath gets stuck in my throat when I hear his name, "Um, he left this morning when I got up, I don't know where he is now," my palms get sweaty thing what he said to me this morning, 'just how you like it' them words stuck to my brain like a fucking leach.

"Why? what's going on?" I cross my arms over my chest, "nothing, just seeing where he is," she sets on the couch, I go and set my her, "Kat, baby go to the playroom, please," Kat "da, mama," she gets off of the couch and goes down the hallway.

I turn to Bella, "what is that you wanted me to talk to me about?" I ask, "me and Ares found nothing in this city that would harm you or anyone, so we are heading back to Italy," I feel a frown touch my lips, "when?" I ask again, "tomorrow," she answers, I hum, "I'll miss you," I go in and hug her, she hugs me back, I'll miss you too, Al," she sighs pulling away, "where is Ares?" he never leaves her side, "he is getting the bags packed," she tells me.

then the front door opens, and I see Damon, "there you are," Bella smile and gets up, Damon smirks when he sees Bella, "where have you been?" she puts her hands on her hips, "out," he says coldly, "bitch," she mutters turning at me, I bite my lip trying to hold in my laugh.

"Uncle Damon!" Kat puts her arms out, Damon smiles and picked her up, "Hey love," he kissed her cheek, Kat giggles. "Daddy says we are leaving tomorrow," she pouts her bottom lip. Damon chuckles, "he did?" she nods quickly, "are you coming with us?" Her eyes beamed, "no I got to stay with Aunt Alaska," Damon glanced at me, I feel a tiny smile on my face when my name came out of his mouth, we share eye contact for a good ten seconds before I pull my glance at Bella.

Bella has a smirk on her face looking between Damon and me, 'no' I mouth, 'oh yes' she mouths back at me, I roll my eyes and get up and go into the kitchen with Bella, she opens the fridge and grabs yogurt, she opens it and gets a spoon, "here mladenec," (baby) she hands Kat the yogurt, Damon sets Kat down on the bar stool and Kat starts to eat the food.

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