50~ The Shower

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I'm sorry for making this a short ass chapter

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It has been two days since I have been back

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It has been two days since I have been back.

And all I have done is cry my fucking eyes out.

I have been missing Bella more than anything, and I even miss Ares even though we haven't been close.

Damon has been by me every time I cried. That is why we have not gone to Germany; I woke up yesterday and done nothing except for crying in bed. Damon has been lying in bed with me since last night. He calmed me down a lot.

Now I'm in the shower with Damon.

With him between my legs...

I moan, my head falling against the glass. "Damon," I grip his black hair with my fingers, my legs are on his shoulder, lifting me up, his hands are on either side of my waist, keeping me from falling.

My body is hot and wet from the shower.

I groan when he flicks my clit ring, "hm, you taste so fucking good, Angelo," he rubbed circles on my hips, I hum, my mouth drops open, I roll my hips, his tongue slides up and down my slit, he pushes his tongue inside my pussy, I gasp. "Damon," I arch my back.

He hums, he rolls his eyes up at me, my mouth opens as I look at him, "good girl," he moans. It vibrates against me, I shiver, goosebumps go across my skin, he smirks, and continue to eat my pussy.

I moan, whimper, and cry.

When I finally cum on his tongue my body go limp.

He goes out of between my legs and smiles at me, "feel better?" He kissed my temple, I hum, "much," I chuckle, he chuckles and cleans me up.

When we got out of the shower me and him go dressed and went to Kat's room to wake her up. Maya has been taking care of her when we couldn't. Kat has been missing her mom and dad and all I can do is tell her that they are never going to come back.

As how harsh that is it is the truth, and I would never lie to her.

"Kat wake up," I cup her soft face, her face scrunched up and slowly flutter her eyes open, "good morning, beautiful," she gave me a glare and turned over on her side, I sigh and roll my eyes.

Just like her mother.

I take the covers off of her, she puts her face in her pillow, "Kat's please, get up," I groan, and she smiles rolling over, "thank you," I smile kissing her forehead, "when you get done dressed go to Ace's room," she nods, and I walk out of her room and go to Damon's office.

He smirks when he sees me, "hi, Angelo," he wraps my waist and pulls me down to his lap, I get butterflies. "Hi, my love," I kiss him softly, he kisses me back but more harder, he runs his hands up and down my back, "you should eat," he mumbles against my lips, "like what?" I smirk. When he finally gets, he chuckles, "Alaska," he warns, "well?" I run my hand down to his belt.

He grabs my hips, "Alaska," he grabs my chin, lifting my head up, "if you don't stop, I will fuck you against everything in this room," he comes closer to my face, I feel my underwear get drenched, "and you wouldn't walk for days," he kissed my neck.

Fuck me.

I was panting. Butterflies go to my head to my toes.

I clear my throat and get off of him, "w-well we should go," I look down at the floor, trying to hide my blush. He laughs and gets off of his chair, "not feeling brave, are we?" He whispered in my ear. My eyes widen and I blush even more harder.

"Damon stop, my cheeks are on fire," I huff, he chuckles. "Get on the jet I'll be right out." I hum and walk out of the house and into the jet.

I set in the long seat.

After a couple of minutes, Damon came on the plane. He is setting right beside me, I lay my head on his shoulder, "go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we are there," I close my eyes and I slowly fall sleep.

"Alaska," Damon's voice woke me up, "were here," I hum, "ok," I lick my dry lips.

I get up from the seat and see that we are on the ground, "so where is the place?" Damon asked as we get out of the plane, "it is about fifteen minutes away," I grab ahold of Damon's hand, he smiles and lift up our hands to his lips and kissed it.

My heart flutters.

"I love you, Alaska," He tells me, I smile, "I love you too, Damon," he smiles, and I see his dimples. "You should get a dimple piercing," I thought, his smile falls, "shut up," my mouth dops open, "manwhore," I mutter under my breath, "I am a whore," he whispers, "but for you," my eyes widen. "Damon," I place a hand on his chest. He laughs.

We walked for fifteen minutes till we see a restaurant. I smile, I go in and I see a brown hair girl walking up to us, "hi, my name is Allison, I will show you to your seats," Sme smiles at me, "um, Allison, my name is Alaska, and I met your mom- or our mom she told me to come here-" I got cut off by her, "your Alaska?" She smiles, "oh my God your my sister," I see her tear up, I smile biting my lip, "yes I am."

Word count: 1003

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-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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