63~ Betrayed

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Good chap tdy I promise

Vote and comment and I'll see you tmr

Have a great read


It has been over two weeks and I'm back to my old self

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It has been over two weeks and I'm back to my old self.

I'm down in the training room.

"Come," Damon waves his fingers at me. I put my fist up, and I hit his hand, and I do the same but with his right hand with my left hand.

About a week ago we got the call from Seby that Adam is back in town. (Yall, I don't remember what his name is if I didn't right) So we decided to work and Seby with find out where he is staying at.

"Ok, that's good for today," I let out a breath as I talked. Damon nods and put away his gloves. My phone rings in my jacket. I throw my gloves on the bench and pick up my phone, answering it.

"What?" I put my hands on my hips. "I know where he's at," Sebastian cold voice said over the phone. I smile. "Where?" Damon turned around and walked over to me. "Old house on the other side of town. I'll send you address over text," he hangs up and I feel my phone buzz against my face.

I read the text message.

Me: Thanks

Seby: no prob.

I smile, turning around. Damon tilts his head, "we found him, my love," he grins. I grab his face and I kiss his lips. He kissed me right back.

He lifts me up, I wrap my legs around him. My phone drops out of my hand, but I don't pay any mind to it. "We should celebrate," Damon nips my lips. I nipped his lip back, "hm, we should," Damon put his hands under my ass.

I plant my lips on his again, he moved to the bench, and he shoved all our stuff to the floor. he put me down on my back and kissed down to my neck. I moan when he sucked on it, hitting my sweet spot on my neck.

He smirked against my neck, I drag my hands to his pants and unbutton them. I start to pant, " you sure?" Damon stopped everything, waiting for me to answer. I nod, "yes," Damon took off my shirt, leaving me in just pants.

When I start to go unbutton his pants, I hear a voice, "aunty Alaska what are you doing?" My eye almost popped out of my head when I heard Kat's voice.

Damon covered my body with his arms, "Um, noting sweetie go back upstairs." I said out pf breath. "Ok," she went out of the gym.

I close my eyes, then oping them again, "Figlio di puttana," (son of a bitch) Damon picked up my shirt on the floor, I took my shirt and slipped it on. "Don't worry were not done." I kissed his cheek. Damon grabbed my arm pulling me back. "Oh, I know were not done. Not even close," he kissed me.

Butterflies go to my stomach.

I clear my throat, "we got to go," I run my finger down his lips. He sighed.


We are now in the car going where the directions take us. "You ready?" I glance over to Damon. I nod, he takes my hand and placed a kiss on it. "Good," I sigh looking out the window.

When we got to the place it was dark. We got out of the car and got our guns out. I have two gun holder on my waist, and I have a knife in my boot. We slowly walked to the house, and we try to find a door.

"Over here," I whisper as I see a door that was cracked open, Damon goes in first and we see no one. We search round and we still see no one.

"Is no one her-" before I count get done talking, Damon put his hand over my mouth, and pulled me to the wall, "shh." he whispered in my ear.

Then a door opened next to us, I raised an eyebrow, not knowing that it was there. When the guy walked by, Damon put the gun barrel against the persons head, "don't move," he whispered lowly.

The person froze. Damon took his hand off of my mouth. I move in front of the person. "Where's Adam?" I cross my arms. They guy does not speak. I look at Damon and he digs the barrel in the side of his head, he whimpers.

"Down there," his eyes flickered at the door, I smile, putting my hand on his cheeks, "thanks," I smiled, snapping his neck and he dropped to the floor. My smiled dropped, I walked to the door, and opened the door, "I'll go first," Damon says. I nod and he walked down the stairs first.

I went after him.

When we got down all the stairs, I see Adam. "About time," he turned around, his eyes widen when he saw me. "Get them," he looked at the guards.

"No need to," Damon said from behind me, I looked behind me, "what are you doing?" My eyes widen, "I'm sorry Alaska," I gasped as he grabbed the side of my head and smacked it against the wall.

My vision got blurry, "Damon, why?" I whispered as my vision got blurry. "Sorry," he whispered as I passed out. 

He betrayed me.

The one I though loved me.

Word count: 975

Heyyyyy hoes

Soooo I'm sorry I really am but good plot twist right

Anyways next chap is the last so be ready

At least you'll have have sent and Kats book to look forward too

Don't be mad ok I'm really sorry

Have a great day or night and vote and comment and I'll see you tmr

Love y'all


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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