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Heyyyyy hoes

You miss me 🤨

You fuckin better have

Anyways y'all got Damon's pov tomorrow

I will make the next chap longer tomorrow

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a good read

Byeeeeee hoes

I'm lying on Alaska

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I'm lying on Alaska.

After we came back from the church, we went straight to bed. Now I'm on top of her, her long legs are spread out to where I can feel the heat of her pussy.

Her legs couldn't stop shaking last night, so I had to get on top of her and hold her legs still. Deep in my chest I felt bad, but I knew that she loved the pain she was hurting, and the way her legs are shaking showing how much I worshipped her last night.

She groans underneath me; I move my head from between her beautiful tits. Her eyes futter open showing me them deep Amber brown eyes. She smiles when she sees me, "hi, my love," she whispered, I smile back at her, "hi, Angelo," I kiss her.

She sighs when I kiss down her jaw to her neck, "are you sore?" I ask, the words are muffled from her neck. "Yes, very much so," she groans. I move my body making her wine, I cringe, not liking that to come out of her.

I shouldn't have been so rough with her.

That thought has crossed my mind a thousand times last night, and that is why I held back a bit.

I did not want to hurt her, but the way she moans, whimpers, and cries makes me want to fuck her till her soul is fucking gone and saying hi to fucking God.

I kiss her gently, "sorry I hurt you," I apologize, she shakes her head, and grabs each side of my face with her small hands, "you didn't hurt me, my love," she paused, "I loved that you went rough on me, and I would love to do that more," a smirk brightens up my face.

I can feel her legs try to clench around me but my legs are between hers so they can't close. I go closer to her ear and nip the shell, "next time I won't be hold back, Angelo," she gasps lightly, "you were holding back?" Alaska's voice asked breathlessly. I nod.

I pull out of her neck, "but that won't be till you are not sore anymore," I decide, she rolls her eyes. I look at the clock and see it is nine in the morning, "I got to get up," I kiss her forehead, "I'm going to stay in here, sleeping," I chuckle lightly before going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

After I was done with the bathroom I o and change into a black suit. I can hear Alaska's slight snores; I smile at how adorable she is.

I go out of our bedroom and go to my office. When I open the door, I see Ares standing looking at a pile of papers, "good morning, brother," he nods towards me, I flash a smile at me, "morning," I mutter.

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