51~ "She Died"

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

Mine was long ag and I did nothing but school work

I'm going to kms

Anyways vote and comment for SMUT NEXT CHAPTER

Ya Alaska is going to get that dic-


To bad Bella is not getting it anymore...

But anyways have a great day and I will see you when I get the smut chapter done which won't be tomorrow

Anyways have a great read


I hug my sister Allison

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I hug my sister Allison.

We both cry in each other's arms, "my sister," she cried, I nod, tears going down my face, "you sister," I agree. She sniffed.

After a couple of crying in each other's arms, we pull away, "how's our mom?" She asked, I vit my lip, looking down, "Allson, um she died," I say quietly, she froze, "what?" She gasped, "um, I was getting out of Russa, and I saw her, she was hurt, and we couldn't save her," I paused, "she told me she loves you," she looks up, wiping the tears from her eyes. "It is ok, did she die in your arms?" She asked, I nod my head, answering.

She smiled, "she at peace I know that," I smile with her.

Damon's big hand touched my shoulder, "we need to go," he whispered in my ear," I nod, "you can go out, I'll be out in a minute," he kissed my cheek and walked out of the diner.

I walk with Allison behind the counter, "um, I got to ask, do you want to come with me and Damon back to Italy?" I play with my fingers, she turned around, "really?" Her eyes get wide, I smile, nodding "sure, only if you want," she smiles nodding her head, "yes, I would love to," she hugs me.

I hug her back, "ok, do you have a place where you need to get clothes?" She pulls away from me, "no, but I can get clothes in Italy?" I nod, "sure we will when we get home?" She takes her apron off. "Come on I want to get out of this hell hole," I chuckle.

We walk out of diner, and I see Damon, "it's about fucking time," he mumbled, "shut up," me and Allion said, Damon eyes widen, my eyes widen, and I look right at her, she was doing the same thing.

We both laugh.


When we arrived at the house, I show Allison her room, "you like it?" I smirk as she looks around the room, "like it? I love it, I think it is bigger than a living room," she laughs, I chuckles, "yeah that was my first thought when I saw it for the first time too," I chuckle. She looks at me, "there is some clothes in the closet," I point at the closet, she smiles, and comes to me.

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