47~ Katerina Knows

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

Sooo I'm going on online school so I won't be able to to update as much as I do sometimes

But I will try but for now I probably won't

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


I groan when I fully wake up

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I groan when I fully wake up.

I turn to my side and see the guy that put me out.

When my eyesight got focus, I get off of the bed and I try to walk up to him, to fucking kill him, but I feel something around my ankles, I look down and see chains around them, "try getting out of those," I glance up to see his lips turn into a smirk, "I will fucking kill you if you don't get me out of these," I glare.

He smiled, "I would like to see you try," he takes out a knife. I laugh, "if you think a knife is going to stop me from killing you. You are fucking more stupid than I thought," I set back down on the bed.

His face turned up in anger, "shut up, bitch," he spits out. I smile, "ouch, that really hurt me," I put my hand over my heart. I smile when his face turned red in anger. He walks out of the cell and comes back with three guys.

I feel my body tense up, "put her in the chain and chain her down," he crossed his arms, "I have a lot to ask you.


"Get your fucking hands off of me, or I will cut them off," I snap as one guy places his hands on my chest, he moves his hand and put them in his pant pocket.

They dragged me down to the basement and chained me to a chain, so I can't move anything.

I see him come down the stairs, with a knife and a gun in his hands. The rest of the guys walk out of the basement, leaving just me and him. He pulls up a table that has everything that we have on ours, "I know who you are, but I just need to know more," he picks up a scalpel.

He comes closer to me and turn my arm as far as it can go, "I also know that you are from Russia, you friend is Bella Perov, and you boyfriend is Damon Mateo, who is also the leader of the Italian mafia," I grit my teeth together to stop from snapping at him. He looks up to me, "tell me more about you," I hiss then he digs the blade in my skin.

I try to move my arm, but he has a firm grip on it. "let's talk about, your friend Bella," he chuckles, "she was fisty," I groan as he cuts me going down my arm, "fuck you," I grit, glaring right at him. He smiled, "she was very fun to kill, you know," I feel my mouth twitch at what just came out of him damn fucking mouth.

"Fuck you," I repeat. "Yeah, she was crying and screaming when I cut her heart put," I feel my eyes swell up in tears, "shut up," I keep a strong voice. But he keep going, "she was screaming and crying for your help, Alaska," I bend my head down, nit letting him see my face. "And you failed her," he takes the scalped out of my arm.

"She begged, screamed, cried, for anyone to save her," he lifted up my head and seen the tears going down it, "and I just laughed," he smiled. I bit my lip, "stop," I whisper, "you should have seen her face when I showed her Ares's dead body," he teased more. "Stop," I say just above a whisper. "Bella begged for help, screamed for it even, she begged for me to let you go. She said she just wanted to be with her daughter," I clench my jaw, "I swear to God if you touched her, I will show you more than death," all I want to do is wrap my hands around his throat and choke him to death.       

He smiled and went over to the table.

(Damon Mateo)

I get up off of the hospital. I see Maya come in with some pain pills, "you need to heal more," she placed down the pills on the table, "no, what I need to do is find out where Alaska is," I remove the gown and out a shirt on.

Maya sighs, "where is Kat and Ace?" I ask, walking over to the door, "in Kat's room, I make sure that they are alright," I nod and go out of the room. I go straight to Kat's room and see her on her bed, she lifts up her head and smiles when she sees me. "Come here," I bend down to her level, se comes right into my arms, "where is mommy and daddy?" She whispered to me, I sigh, closing my eyes then reopping them.

How am I going to tell er that her parents died?


I run my fingers through her hair as she cries in my chest.  "I'm sorry, bello," (beautiful) I kiss the top of her head, she lifts up her head, my heart falls when I see her red puffy eyes, red nose, "but I don't want them to be gone," she whispered, "I know, I don't either," she gives me a hug, "now why don't you go to Ace," I set her down on the floor. She sniffs, looking down. "Ok," she mumbles. I kiss her forehead. "What about, aunty Alaska?" she looks up at me with big eyes.

I cup her cheek, "we'll find her, don't worry," I say, she nods, "now go to Ace," I get up from her bed. She walks down the hallway and into his room.

I run my hand down my jaw and go to my office, I look through some files and through some more, and I find nothing, I look through some more that Ares had in his room, but I still came up with nothing.

I look behind my desk and see my father's old files, I get them and see a file labeled 'Irish's' I open it up and see where their warehouses are and houses.

I sigh.

This is going to be a long night

Word count: 1096

Heyyy hoes

How was the read

Soo y'all finally know about Ace and Kat

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Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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