39~ Break

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I look up at the celling and let out a sigh

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I look up at the celling and let out a sigh. Damon comes out of the shower, I get up on my elbows, looking at him, I lick my lips at I see his abs and water droplets going down his tone chest.

"Alaska your drooling," he smirks, I roll my eyes and get off of the bed, "what are you doing today?" He asked as he grabbed my waist pulling me to his body. I rest my head on his bare chest, "I got to get information out of our friend down in our basement," Damon can tell I'm getting annoyed by my voice.

He runs his long fingers in my hair, "you know you can take a break for this, Angelo," he whispers in my hair, I nod softly, "I know but I want to find out where the hell Ryder is," I stress. He grips the top of my throat, and tilts my head making me look at him, "don't stress, Angelo. You been through enough this month, you need to rest." He kissed me.

I kiss him back slowly, I put my arms behind his neck, and get on my tippy toes. "I love you," I sigh, in his mouth. Damon smiles and nips my bottom lip, "I love you too, Angelo," he kissed me again.

I pull away first, "I'll be down in the basement if you need me," I kiss his cheek. A yelp left my lips when I feel a hand on my ass, "Damon," I send him a glare. He smiled, licking his lips, "love you too," he whispered raspy.

I roll my eyes and walk out of the door.

I see Kat on the couch, "where is your mom and dad?" I go over to her, "in their bedroom," she chirps, "I heard weird noises earlier," my eyes widen at what she said, "ok, just don't go in the room," I kiss her cheek, she smiled, "I won't."

I go into the kitchen and to the basement. "I really hope you are going to tell me today because I'm not going to tolerate anymore," I mutter. His eyes are close, "hey," I smack him, he gasped awake making me smile, "good your up," I get the table and grab the knife.

"Just tell me, ok? And I want torture you" I put down the knife. I see him let out a breath, "America," he spoke, I raised an eyebrow, "he is in America, I believe in Newyork," I smile, "see that is all you had to do," I grab the knife.

His eyes widen, "you don't have to kill me," he winces. I nod, "yes I do," I grab his hair and pull his hair back, "may you rest in hell," I say before slitting his throat.   

Blood goes down his neck to his pants. I clean the knife off and place it back on the table, I walk out of the basement and see Anya. She smiled when he saw me, "I found my parents," I smile, "where?" I ask as I give her a hug, "back in Jamaica, I'll be going there tonight," she says. "That's good, but I will miss you," I bit my lip, "I'll visit you when I can come back to Italy," she says.

I smile, "good," I whisper.

She turned around, "did you find out where Ryder is?" we set down at the bar. "Yes, I finally did," I sigh, closing my eye for a minute. She leans her head on my shoulder, "see I told do can do it," she smiles at me, I smile back at her.

I see Bells come into the kitchen.


I look at Anya, and we both hold in our laugh. Bella slowly turns around giving both of us glares, "I will kill both of you if you laugh," she points at us. But me and Anya both burst into laughing, "shit," I whisper. I wipe the tears from under my eyes.

I look at Bells and see her bright red face. "Sorry," I mutter, giving her a kind smile. She flips me off and goes back to her room.

"I kind of feel bad now," Anya says, I wave my hand, "don't she always laughs when my legs are shaking or I'm limping," I tell her. She nods.

I get off of the seat, "I will be in my room if you need me," I hug her, she hugs me back, "k," she mutters.

But before I go to the bedroom I go to Damon's office, when I open the door, I see Ares at the desk, "what do you want?" He asked grumpy, I roll my eyes, "first get your head out of your ass, and second, I found where Ryder is," I tell. "Where?" Ares asked, "he is in America, in Newyork," I inform, "thanks," I walk out of the office shutting the door behind. 

I go to my bedroom and see Damon laying on the bed, "aren't you supposed to be at work?" I lay on top of him. His eyes flutter open and then shuts them, his arm rest on his face, "I asked Ares to work for me," he grips my waist. I hum, "yeah I seen that, and why?" I tilt my head, my hands go on his chest, "I wanted to spend time with you," he smiles before flipping me over, so he is on top of me.

I chuckle, and kissed his lips, "what are we going to do then?" I smirk, he smirks back at me, "I don't know but I have a feeling it is going to end up with my finger, tongue and cock in you," fucking hell.

A gap left my lips, "Damon," I whisper breathily. He smirks again, "that is the name you're going to say as I fuck you," he kissed the top of my breast. I feel my heart bound against my rip cage. "Damon," I tug on his shirt, he removes my hands and puts them above my head.

He kissed me, at first it was soft then it turned hard and sloppy. 

then the door opened, Damon covers my body with his body, "what, brother?" Damon said harshly, "we found Ryder, get your horny assess up," he shuts the door. I groan and run my hands down my face. 

Damon kissed my neck, "we'll finish this later," he whispers before getting off of me.

Can't wait then.

Word count: 1133

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And I will see you tomorrow


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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