11~ Regret

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

I'm sorry I'm late

Chill vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

And this part of Damon's pov so you can yell at him now 😒💪

But it will sadly turn into Al's pov



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That is all I feel right now.

I never meant to say them words to her, but I had to for her own protection.

"If you don't tell her that you hate her, I will kill her," I look down at the text message over and over again to see if it was some fucking fucker messing with me, but I know it is not. Because this gut feeling is telling me that whoever this person is, will kill her.

The door smacks open and I see an angry Bella coming at me, "shit," I mutter getting up from my chair, "what the fuck did you do?" Bella yells, I run my fingers through my hair, "Bella let my explain," I try to calm her down. But anger just comes more in her eyes, "you motherfucker, do you know how much she loves you?!" I back up into a wall.

She wraps her hands around my throat, "I'm going to kill you," she grits ripping me tighter. I don't even fight her.

I deserve it.

Then Ares comes in, his eyes widen as he watched his wife strangles me, "shit Bella," he runs over to us and wraps his arms around Bella, "no, let me kill him," she fights in my brothers' arms, "stop," Ares says through clenched teeth, "Ares now," she kicks him in the leg but he does not budge, he moves her hair out from her neck, "Bella there is no way in hell will I let you kill my brother, now stop," he grips her jaw making her look at him.'

I see tears in her eyes, as she glares at Ares, then she stops kicking him, "good girl," he smooths her hair out and put her back down on the ground, "Now Damon tell me why I shouldn't let Bella kill you right now?" He raised a brow.

I clench my jaw, "it is none of your business," I spat, I go to my desk, but Ares grips my shoulder stopping me from going anywhere, I give him a low glare, "what happen?" He said slowly, I glance down at his hand then back at him, "I would let go of me brother, or I will break your hand," I grit out angerly, he chuckles and let go of me.

He grabs Bella's hand and sets down in a chair right in front of my desk, "tell us, Damon I know there is something bothering you," Ares leans back into the chair, I sigh and set in my chair, "I do still love Alaska," Bella sighs, "them why did you tell her that you didn't?" I stuck in a breath, "because someone told me to tell her that I don't love her anymore or they will kill her," both of their eyes widen.

"But who?" Ares scoffs, "I think I know who," and Bella tells us that makes me want to kill someone right then and there,

(Alaska Amana)

I punch the punching bag again, again, and again.

Damon's words go through my head over and over again making be become madder.

Why did he have to say them words to me?

Why does he not love me anymore?

Did I do something wrong?

So many questions run through my head, but I still get no answers.

I let out a little sob putting my forehead on the bag, "fuck," I mutter crying out, a hand on my shoulder makes me gasp, I look over my shoulder and see Bella, "come here," she pulls me into her arms, "I still love him, I don't, and I can't hate him," I try so hard to hate him, but I end up hating myself for hating him.

She rubs her hand up and down my back smoothly, "I know. But I need to ask you something," she pulls me out of her arms, "what?" I crook, whipping my eyes, "have you gotten any strange text messages?" I think then it hits me. I go over to my gym bag and dig out my phone, "yes," I mutter looking through my text messages and then I finally find it.

I hand Bella the phone, she looks through it and nods, "mind if I take your phone?" I shake my head, but before she went, I grabbed her arm, "why?" I squint my eyes at her, "nothing, I just might know who it is, but you don't have to worry about it," I let go of her arm and hum.

"Why don't you help out Maya with Kat, I think she might need it," she walks off before I could say anything. I pick up my bag and go to Damon's room real quick and get some clothes, before I went to Nev's room and went to the bathroom.

I take off my clothes and get in the shower, I let the warm water explore my body. After I was done with my shower, I was freshly shaved and clean. I put on my dark red lace underwear and bra and a baggy pair of pants and an oversized shirt.

I walk to Maya's room and knock, "yes?" a soft voice answered, "Maya it is Alaska, can I come in?" then door opens and I see Maya standing wearing a yell sundress, she blonde hair goes all the way to her shoulders, "Kat look who here," Kat pokes her head out of the corner, and a big smile goes on her lips, "hi innamorato," (sweetheart) she runs over to me and gives me a hug, "I have not seen you all day. Where have you been?" she drags me into the room, "I been training," I do not want to tell her that I been crying because of her uncle.

We go and set on the bed, I see Maya pick stuff up on the ground, "the ball is two days," she jumps on the bed, "can we go dress shopping tomorrow, please," she wraps her arms around my neck pulling me down on the bed, she gets on top of me. "Sure, but we got to ask you daddy first," I grin, she giggles as I start tickling me. "I love you aunty Alaska," she says through giggles, "I love you too, Kat," I kiss her cheek.

I just wish that your uncle would love me.


Heyyyy hoes

How was the read

I know this chap is hella short but I will make the next one longer

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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