4~ Flowers

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Heyyyyy hoes

I finally posting on time

Vote and comment and have a good day or night

And I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read


I decided to work out this morning, after my work out I went back to my apartment, and I finely got rid of Damon for a minute, I told him that we need to get some food at the store, and I asked him to get it for me, he has been gone for a good hou...

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I decided to work out this morning, after my work out I went back to my apartment, and I finely got rid of Damon for a minute, I told him that we need to get some food at the store, and I asked him to get it for me, he has been gone for a good hour, but I did give him a long list.

"Goodmorning," I mutter at Nev that just walked in the living room, her eyes are still shut, "shut up," she holds her hand up in my face, I chuckle and make a cup of coffee, "here you'll need it," I hand her the cup, "thanks," she grins at me. "Where did you go last night?" I see a smirk pop on her lips, my mouth opens lightly, "oh," she had a one night stand, "so I guess you are over Leon?" I take a sip of my warm coffee.

She goes over by the window and opens the curtains, along with the window, her dark chocolate skin glows in the sun light, "no, we are just off and on," she shrugged, I hum, "that's good I guess," I trail off when the door opens, and I see Damon caring a bag of groceries, I see Nev smirk at me and leaves the room.

"Here let me help you," I grab a bag and set it on the bar. When we got all of the food in the fridge, I see Damon pull out a Boka of white roses, I feel a smile grow on my face, "Alaska this is for you," he gives me the flowers, my smile widens, "thank," I glance up at him, "your welcome, Angelo," (angel). I feel a blush come on my cheeks.

I get a base of water and put the flowers in it, "I love them," white roses has always been my favorite flowers, "that is what I was hoping for," he grins. I grin back and put the base on the middle kitchen table.

"Hey Alaska," Nev call out from our room, "yes?" I call back, "do you want to go to a club with me?" I think before answering, "sure. What time?" I ask. She comes out wearing thigh long red dress, her curly hair is part up and down, "Um, we should be there at nine so we will leave about eight," she said, I hum nodding, "sure," I glance at Damon.

He sets on a chair with his legs spread, "you want to go?" Damon looks at me with his dark grey eyes, "I don't have a chose, but sure," he said shortly, "I don't think he likes to talk," he does but not with anybody around.

But I'm not going to say that.

"Ok let me get ready," Nev grabs my hand and drags me to our room, "so what am I going to wear?" I ask her. Nev has always good at clothes, she took fasion classes before she became a bartender.

She grins and goes into her closet, "this?" she pulls out a dark pink, thigh high dress, I shake my head, "no," she nods and goes back into her closet. After many dresses that I did not like she finally pulls out a black dress

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