30~ Gut feeling

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

So you seen Vi on my Instagram story

She hot

And lesbian 😞

Anyways vote and comment have a great day or night and I will see you tomorrow

My biggest flex is that I punched a gang leader

my mom thought he was hot

he then out me in a trash can

and I swear on Amara's grave that this is true

i dont lie



Me and Alaska woke up about an hour after I killed Aleksandr

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Me and Alaska woke up about an hour after I killed Aleksandr.

She woke up on my chest, my arm was wrapped around her small waist, her long arms were behind my neck, "what are we doing today?" Her raspy voice asked, I shrugged, "whatever you want, Angelo," I kiss the top of her head, her nose scrunches up, "Bella asked me today if I would go with her to check up on the baby," Alaska sighs.

I hum with a nod. "When?" I put my chin on her head, "in about an hour or two," she mutters, I remove the covers from both of us and I see her naked bottom half, my breathing turned heavy as I feel my cock grow in my pants.

Alaska blushes, "I got to somehow walk, to the bathroom and take a shower," she runs her hands down her face, I smirk, and she gives me a glare, I drop my smirk and lick my lips trying not to laugh.

She lets out a shaky breath, and slowly gets up, then she goes back down on the bed, her legs shaking, I snicker, she turned her head and gives me a harsh glare, "shut it. You did this to me," she points down to her legs.

I get up from the bed and go over to her side, she gasped when I pick her up, "and you loved it," I kiss her, she grins against my lips, "maybe," she teased.

I carry her to the bathroom and set her on the toilet and start the shower for her. I take off my clothes, her mouth opens a slight bit, "don't stare, Angelo," I smirks when she blushes putting her head down.

I get in the shower, the warm water hit my back making me relax, "come here," I held out my hand, she takes my hand, and she limps to the tub. She stands in front of me with her back pressed against my stomach.

My large, tattooed hands go up and down her arms, I bend down and kiss her neck, she leans her head back on my shoulder, and lets out a soft sigh, "I love you, my love," she whispered, my heart skips a beat and I smile against my neck, "I love you too, Angelo," I grip the top of her throat making her look back at me.

She gives me a warm smile, I smile back at her, I can see her eyes land on my dimples on each side of my cheeks, "you should smile more," she winces when she turned, facing me. "You only say that because you like my dimples," I tilt my head, she chuckled softly, "maybe," she runs her finger down my tattooed chest.

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