70~ End

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Hope I made it better

I'm also sorry this took so long I been busy with school and shi

Anyways this is the last chap of RAFL hope you had fun reading it mls

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And never be a quiet reader


Walking down the hall the door slams shut

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Walking down the hall the door slams shut. My eyes widen but I see Damon in the kitchen.

I smile and I go over to him, I walk from behind him and I press my front against his back. He tensed but relaxed when he knew it was me, he turned around and grabbed me by my cheeks. I get on my tippy toes and he bends down.

His mouth slight grace against my lips, I let out a sigh as a heartbeat started between my legs. He notices my legs press together and he smirks. He runs his hand down my back to my ass, he takes a handful of my ass and pressed me on his hard-on.

My breath was knocked out of me, my eyes flutter shut, I feel his heartbeat pick up. My nipples turn hard. "Um, go to the room, I want you naked when I get up there," he nipped my ear. I gasp. Heat spreads through my body.

He takes his hands off of my body and looks at me with lust filled eyes.

Butterflies run through me.

I turn around and go up to our bedroom. I take off my shirt, then my pants, next goes my underwear and bra. They all are on the floor as I climb into the bed. I lay on my back, my breath picked up as I hear Damon come up the stairs.

My heart skips a beat when Damon opens the door, my body is hot really hot. My thighs spread on their own, my pussy is wet and my clit pulses to where it hurts.

He smirks as he sees that I'm more than ready for him, I should feel embarrassed but I was to high on lust to even hear my own thoughts.

Damon stops at the end of the bed and takes off his suit, he leaves his pants on but unbuttoned them leaving the belt and pants hanging off of his hips. I lick my lips looking down his chest seeing his abs.

"Beautiful," he whispers as he gets on his knees, I yelp when I he pulls me down by my ankles. He chuckles and I roll my eyes. He kissed up my thighs, sucking on my skin leaving hickeys on my soft skin. I sigh, my hands goes to my nipple and I rub the hard bud.

I moan, my back arches off of the bed. He goes to my pussy and he lays kisses on my clit. "Damon please," my first words were a beg. He lifts up his eyes to mine. Heat goes through my body as he licked up my folds. "Fuck," I breath out. Damon does it again.

He stops at my entrance. My breath was knocked out of my lungs as he shoves his tongue in me. "Yes," I spread my legs more. "Good girl," his words only make me wetter. His fingers tips brush against my clit, making me jump at the sensation of pleasure going up my spine.

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