26~ About Aria

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Heyyyy hoes

I got bored again

Anyways y'all are going to sob

Like I did and I don't cry when I write sad books but his chap got me 😭

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


TW suicidal thoughts and mentions of death

"Come on wake up I don't have all day," I slap Aleksandr awake, he jerks up, his eyes find mine, his widens in fear, "how about we have fun," I cross my arms, "or you can make this simple and just tell me what I need," I raised a brow

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"Come on wake up I don't have all day," I slap Aleksandr awake, he jerks up, his eyes find mine, his widens in fear, "how about we have fun," I cross my arms, "or you can make this simple and just tell me what I need," I raised a brow.

"I can tell you anything you want, just please don't kill me," he begs. I fight the urge to roll my eyes, "fine, but only if you tell me everything," he nods quickly,

After I was done with him, I had blood all over my face, hands, my suit, everywhere.

The door opens and Bella comes down, "Al's here," she tells me. "Ok, I'll be up in a minute," I say, she goes back up the stairs. Aleksandr is passed out from all of the blood that he lost. I clen my face up and my hand.

I go upstairs and I see Alaska, she smiles when she sees me, I start to go upstairs and she follows me, when we got to our room, she shut the door, I turn around, "Alask-" I get cut off by her kissing my, I kiss her back, I grab the side of her cheek, "I missed you today," she mutters taking her lips off of mine.

"I missed you today too," she looks down my body and she sees blood, a gasp left her mouth, "are you hurt?" She takes off my suit, leaving me shitless, when she sees that I'm not hurt she looks up to me with a confused face, "I want to show you something," I take her hand and we both go down into the basement.

When I open the door and sees Aleksandr her mouth drops open, "is that who I think it is?" She walks down to him, "well if your thing Ryders father, then yes," Alaska shoots me a glare. I smirk, "when did you get him?" She asked still looking at Aleksandr, "this morning when I sent you to do that mission." I was hoping that she isn't mad, but I got a feeling that she is.

She slowly turns around facing me with a hit of anger in her eyes. I straighten my body getting ready for her to yell at me, "why the hell didn't I go?" She grits out, I feel ping of guilt in my lower stomach.

But then I remained myself that if it wasn't safe, she would probably be dead.

I sigh, "Angelo, if it wasn't safe you, and if you got hurt, I couldn't live with myself," I answer. And it was the truth, if she ever got hurt or worse, I would not live anymore. She licks her lips, and nods. my Angelo walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck, she had to stand on her tippy toes just to kiss me.

I wrap my hands around her tiny waist, and kiss her back softly, "I love you, Damon, and I always will," she hums against my lips, I grin, "and I love you too, Alaska," I say back.

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