46~ Their Dead

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

Um ya this chapter kind of sad ig

And a lot of y'all are going to hate me for sure but yolo

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read


I wake up

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I wake up.

I squint my eyes trying to get used to the light.

When I got used to the bright light, I see a man in front of me with bright green eyes and blond hair, I flinch back, my back hits he walls behind me.

Then everything that happened came back to me. Damon got shot in the back, he died, I felt his heartbeat stop. Then Bella and Ares ran in the room, and they got shot, they died.

They all died.


tears go to my eyes. The man with green eyes come up and seat on the edge of the bed, he reaches his hands out and was going to touch my cheeks. But I flinch and gripped his hands, "don't touch me," I glare at him, my voice deep with anger.

He smiled, "fisty. I like when they're like this," his voice sounds like he smoked his entire life, "fuck off," I grit out. His smile drops.

Then I feel a slap on my cheek, I gasp my head going to the side, I place my hand on my stinging cheek. He grips my chin and pulls my face loser to him, "don't ever tell me to fuck off, or I will-" I cut him off, "do what? You killed everyone that I loved whatever you plan to do better be to kill me, because when I get out, I'm coming for you first and I will send you to hell myself," I chuckle, smiling.

His face turns red, in anger. And he grabs me by my throat, I choke, my mouth dropping, gasping for air. "Kill me. I dare you." I gasp out. My hair goes in my face blocking my eyes to his view. He chokes me more; I feel my face heat up and my heartbeat slowing down. I feel my body going limp.

He smirks. I move my hands to his elbows, not letting him see me, my eyes start to close, I choke, my heart slowing down more, and more.

I smirk, "you make a wrong move, Adam," his smirk drops when I say his name. I slam my arms down at full force. I hear a crack in his elbows. He lets go of my throat. I cough, then chuckling when I see him on the floor, I get off of the bed, "don't understate me, Adam." I grab him by his throat, "even though you are the one of the powerful mafias in the world." I get closer to his face, I place my foot on his broken arm, he cries out as I put pressure on it. "I'm the most powerful assassins in the world, don't understate me again," then I snap his neck.

He falls to the ground.

I smile, and open the door, I poke my head out and I see no one down here. I slowly go up the stairs and open the door, I see no one in the hallway, I let out a little breath and turn a corner. I gasp when I see two men with AK-47's in their hands, they turn their head and put up their gun when they see me.

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