35~ Saw her

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

I having bad ass period cramps 😩

And I also found out that Netflix is taking off the vampire diaries


I had to get like all of that from translator 💀

That is all I have to say

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read

I also changed my schedule I will post when I am done posting I wont wait till 6 or 8 pm 


I'm going to kill him

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I'm going to kill him.

In the worst way possible.

I get up from my desk. And I give a glare to one of my men, "tell me what happen," I demand, "boss, w-we don't know. W-we made sure there was no one there," my jaw locks, "ok, get up," I reach behind me and grab my gun.

His face turns white, "I'm s-sorry boss," he studders, I chuckle, "I'm not," I mutter before pulling on the trigger. His body falls to the floor, blood spills from his head where I shot him. One guy comes in at the sudden noise, "clean this up," I put the gun in my back pocket.

It has been a mess since Alaska has been missing.

When Ares and I told Bella.

She was not happy at all.

She tried to kill me with a knife, then tried to kill Ares. Then when Ares calmed her does, she cried the rest of the night.

I feel sorry for her.

I run my hands through my hair, and I let out a long sigh.

I have been keeping in my emotions, I did cry last night, and that was all new to me.

I miss her so fucking much.

"Damon," Ares voice comes in my room. I lift my head up, "what?" I mutter, "we might know where they are," I heard this many fucking times. each time we are in the state where they are at, they move as quick as they can.

It has been three days since Alaska has been gone and each time, we are so fucking close to get her, they move.

And we need to know how they do it.

We know it is a mole, but we don't know who. Whoever they are they are every sneaky and slick. "Where?" I get up from the bed and walk out of the room, Ares comes right beside me, "Egypt," he tells me. I look at him, "why the fuck are they all the way over there?' I scoff, Ares shrugged, "I have no fucking idea," me and Ares go down the stairs.

"How's Bella?" I ask. Ares looks down, "she is not doing well," is all he says. I sigh, I make a fist with my hand, "where is she?" I ask, Ares looks at their room, "ok," I nod and go up to the stairs to their room. I open the door and I see Bella laying in the bed.

I walk to her, "what do you want?" Her voice sound sad and broken. "Bella, we'll find her," I put my hand on her shoulder. She sets up and looks at me with blood shot eyes, "I hope so, if you don't, I will skin you alive," she glares at me, I thin my lips.

She eyes soften, "are you ok?" Bella scoots over to me, "no," I say truthy, Bella smiles, and lays her head on my shoulder, "I miss her," she whispers, I nod, "I do to, Bella," I sigh.

When she takes her head off of my shoulder. "We might know where she is at, but I know as soon as we get there they will move," I inform her. She sniffs, "do whatever you need to do. Just bring her home," she bites her lips trying not to cry, "I will," she hugs me one more time.

I go back down to Ares, "were going to Egypt," I grab my coat, Ares raised his eyebrow, "you sure there just going to move as soon as we get there," I grab an extra gun an put it in my boot, "that is why we are not going to tell anyone," I raise my eyebrows.

"Ok, that is a good idea," he agrees.

We go out to the jet, and we start to go to Egypt.

When we arrive to Egypt, we get out of the jet, "where did they say they were at?" I ask, "warehouse on the east side, number, 1156," Ares says getting his gun out, "put your silencer on," I tell him.

When we make it to the warehouse we go to the number. "Here," I see the number. Me and Ares go over to the warehouse. I look through it and I see two men in the front and four men in the back. When I look over to there, they are looking at I see...


My heart almost jumps out of my chest when I see her alive. But pain and anger go through me when I see that she is covered in bruises, and I see her only wearing a bra and underwear. She is in the corner and looks in pain.

"I see her," I look at Ares, "who? Alaska?" I nod, "come on let's go get her," he starts to go to the doorknob, but I grab his wrist, "there is too many people, we can't go there alone," I whisper to him.

Then I hear two people talking, "shit," me and Ares both say at the same time. When they see us, they freeze. One of them run and the other one points a gun at us.

But before he cold does anything me and Ares shoot him in the leg,

The guy falls to the ground, "we'll take him," I say to Ares, I look back at the warehouse, "I'll go get Alaska," I run over to the door and open it.

But they were already gone. My hand makes a fist and I go to the back off of the warehouse and see a jet flying off. "Fuck," I whisper to myself.

My anger goes out of the fucking room.

I go back to the guy and grab him by the throat, 'I'm going to have fun with you," then I punch him, knocking him out, "put him in the plane," I order to Ares. Are sigh and grabs him putting him on his shoulder.

When we got home, I see Bella running down the stairs, "you got her?" I feel my heart break as I see hope in her eyes, "no," her face turn sad, and it makes me want to fucking kill myself. "But I did see her," her head lifts up, "what?' she whispers softly, "she is ok, hurt, but alive, but two men caught as and one guy ran off, and we shot the other one, and now we are going to question him," I see Ares bring in the guy.

I could feel Bella anger rise from where I'm at, "I want to see him first," she mutters looking at the guy. I smile, "I'm coming with you," she looks at me with a smirk.

Word count: 1252

Heyyy hoes

How was the read

I will make that next chap longer

Vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great day or night


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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