20~ "take me"

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Heyyy hoes

Y'all got this early

How was your day


Alaska gonna get that dick 💪🏼

have fun and keep your hands on you phone

Remember I'm always watching 👀

Anyways vote and comment bc I gave you smut

And have a great read


"What am I going to do with you?" I twirl my knife in my and, Neveah looks up at me, "anything, you know how much I like it rough," my teeth grind together, I have to close my eyes and let out a breath to control my anger

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"What am I going to do with you?" I twirl my knife in my and, Neveah looks up at me, "anything, you know how much I like it rough," my teeth grind together, I have to close my eyes and let out a breath to control my anger.

Neveah laugh, "oh come on your going to pretend that we did not fuck a few times?" She clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth, "shut it," I snap at her. She chuckles. "Good times, right?" My breathing got harder and deeper, "I am so close to fucking kill you, so you better make the next words that come out of your mouth," I bend down close to her face, "or I will skin you alive, and I will keep you alive to watch it," I grit, my body burn with anger.

She tilts her head, "do you know how many times I wanted to kill you for leaving my brother?" My mouth drops open. "You stupid fucking bitch. You don't know many times he raped me. You must me fucking sick to take his side," I take my knife and stab her in the hand.

She screamed.

Like fucking music to my ears.

The basement door opens, and I see Damon entering the room, "come on, lets cool down," Damon grabbed my waist and pulled me to him, "you're a fucking whore," she hollered, I shut my eyes, trying not to let her in, "ignore her, Angelo," Damon whispered in my ear, I hum.

When we made it to our room he shuts the door, I set on the bed, tears in my eyes are now going down my cheek. "Hey, it's ok," Damon kneed to the ground and cupped my cheek making me look up at him, "I hate her," I choke out, "I know, I do to, but you can't let her get to you like this," he sighed, I sniff, "I know," I wipe my eyes getting the tears out of my eyes, "come here," he pulled my down to his neck.

He wrapped his big arms around me, "I love you, Alaska," he ran his hands through my hair.

Then I have this feeling to want more of him. To make him show how much he loves me, and how much I love him.

I take my head out of his neck, I look down at him, he is still on his knees, "show me how much you love me," I swipe my thumb across his cheek, his eyes got darker, "Alas-" I cut him off, "please, I want you in me," I breath. Damon's hand goes up my thigh, "you sure?" My mouth slightly opens, "yes, please," then I feel his lips on mine.

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