32~ Mile high

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Heyyyy hoes

How was your day

This is the last happy chap for a while

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow

Have a great read


We are packing to go to Ireland now

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We are packing to go to Ireland now.

Only me and Damon are going, but Ares might come but before we go and kill them.

"You got everything?" Damon asked, I come out of my closet, "yes," I huff dropping my suitcase on the bed. He smiled at me, "you're so beautiful," I feel a blush creep up on me, "thank you, my love," I go over to him and give him a hug, he hugs me back.

He can probably feel how tense I am because he rubs up and down my back, "we are going to be alright, Angelo," he assures me, I nod digging my face into his chest smelling leather with whisky scent.

"I know, but that feeling," I say my words are muffled by his chest, I feel him kiss the top of my head, "don't let that feeling get to you, Angelo," he cups my face and pulls me out of his chest, "alright?" He gives me a serious look, "alright," I say softly.

He takes his hands off of my cheeks and grabs our bags, "let's go we got a two hour plane ride," I follow him out of our bedroom.

While he puts put stuff in the plane, Kat and Bella comes out of the bedroom, "love you, and be safe," she hugs me, I ug her back, "I love you too, сестра," (sister) I put out of her neck, "love you too Kat," I bend down to my knees, and she gives me a hug, "love you too, aunty Alaska," she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I get off of my knees and I see Ares come up the stairs, "be safe Alaksa," he pats my shoulder, "I'll try," I chuckle, he rolls his eyes.

I go outside and I see the jet, "come on," Damon says from behind me, I gasp as he picks me up, "Damon put me down," I demand, he hums "no," he kissed me. I feel the plane taking off.

He puts me down on a couch and he gets on top of me, "what are you doing, my love?"  tilt my head. He smirked, "ever been on the high mile club?" My eyes widen at his words, "n-no," I stutter like a fucking bitch.

He runs his hand sown my red shirt and then to my shorts, my breathing got shallow, "what are you doing, Damon?" I feel my body heat up as his hand goes between my thighs, "nothing," he paused, "not yet at least," his hand fined my shorts buttons, "do you still hurt, Angelo?" Uh yea.

I nod. He smirks, and unbuttons my shorts, and pulls them down to my ankles. I start to pant, "Alaska, you are drenched," he finds as he runs his two fingers up my pussy, "Damon please," I beg, wanting him to touch me.

He kissed my collarbone, "take off your shirt," he ordered with a gravelly voice that sent shock waves down my spine. I take off my shirt leaving me in a bra and underwear. He slowly takes off my underwear.

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