25~ Aleksandr

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Y'all got Damon's pov tdy

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Have a good read


I walk into my room, and I see Alaska sleeping on our bed

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I walk into my room, and I see Alaska sleeping on our bed.

I smirk and walk over to her; I can hear her slow breaths. I go over to her side of the bed, I kiss her cheek and her forehead, "wake up I know, Angelo," she stirs in her sleep, she flutters her eyes open, her browns one stirs into my grey one.

She smiles when she sees that it is me, "hi, my love," I smile at my nickname. She stretches the covers uncover her naked body. Blood goes straight to my cock; I see her perky nipples, my mouth waters wanting them in my mouth.

"Eyes up here," my Angelo snapped her fingers, I roll my eyes. "What time is it?" She asked, I look at the clock and back at her, "almost noon," I say, her eyebrows go up, "damn," she mutters, she gets out of bed and put on some underwear and a bra.

I lean against the wall watching her, "what are we doing today?" She went into the bathroom, "I got to some thang, but I got something for you," she poked her out of the door, "what?" Alaska asked, "meet me in my office," is all I say before walking out.

Me and Bella and Ares have found out where Ryder's father is, but we are not telling Alaska till she is back from a mission I will send her.

I just want to make sure that things are not going south before I let her have her way with Aleksandr.

But I will have my way first with him.

After ten minutes past the door opened and Angelo comes in, "come," I demand, "thanks what she said," she mutters, I roll my eyes.

She sets in my lap, her legs on either side of me, "now who do you want me to kill?" She tilts her head, "her name is Sofia, she killed some of my men and Sebastin's men. She killed for money, and I need to know why, and when you do get her, ask her who gave her the money," I say, tracing her tattoo on the side of her neck.


Alaska licks her lips, "ok, anything else?" I shake my head, "nope," I whisper, she glances down at my lips, "you better go while you can walk," I ran my thumb across her plump lips, she darts her tongue out and licks my thumb.


A groan goes in the back of my throat, I feel my cock strain against my pants wanting to slide into her warm sweet pussy, "go." I rasp, she smirks and gets off my lap, "love you," I stare at her round ass as she walks out, "love you too," she hollered back.

I lean all the way back in my chair, the door opened, and Bella comes in, "she gone?" She crossed her arms, "yep," I sigh, I get off of my chair and walked out of the room.

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