22~ Where

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Heyyy hoes

How was your day?

I will start posting on my schedule when I'm not so damn busy

And I will make the chaps longer I promise

And go follow my Instagram I will post about Ace  (BookWhore_af)

And his book



Anyways vote and comment and have a good day


(Later that same afternoon)

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(Later that same afternoon)

I decided to go down to the basement.

I'm see Nevaeh, she is tied up to the chair, her head is down, "wake up," I slam her, making her gasp snapping her head up, her hazel eyes up at me. I smile, "good morning, sweetheart," I say sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, "what am I going to do to you?" I walk- well limp to the tools, "how about a knife, oh what about a hammer?" I spin on my heels.

She firster looked at the hammer, I smile and place back the knife, "hammer it is?" her eyes widen, "where is your brother?" I raised my brows, she gives me a glare, "fuck you," I laugh, "you already did," I slam the hammer on her middle finger, she cried out, "damn it," she muttered trying to move her hands put they are tied up, "you can't move anything, trust me I been tied up in it," I smirk.

A really good night.

I pull up a chair and set down, "tell me or I won't be so nice," my voice turns dark, my Russian comes out. "I'm not telling you anything," she snaps, I pull on her hair making her head go back and hit the chair, she hissed, "please stop," she begged. I clench my fist, "tell. Me," I pull on her curly hair more, "no," I scoff and turn the hammer to the other side to pull nails out, "now. Or I will cut off your finger," I don't give her a chance to answer I just smash it on her middle finger and pull, her finger cuts off.      

She screamed out, "ok, ok, ok, I will tell you," she cried, I smile and take the hammer off of her finger and place it on the table, "ok now," I wave my hand waiting for h to talk. She sniffs, "I don't know where he is, but I know who does," she paused, when she does not talk, I do, "who?" I get up from my chair. "Please don't make me do this," she cried, I roll my eyes, "I'm going to, and you should tell me, or I will ger Bella, and she is more meaner than me," I see her shake her head with her eyes widen out.     

"Good, now tell," I demanded, "our father Aleksandr. He knows, he was one the one that made Ryder to get with you and kill you, but he didn't, so he decided to get me, so I went to Germany, and I became your friend, and I was going to kill you but then Bella and Damon showed up," she tells me looking down trying to avoid my eyesight.  

"Good," I pick up a needle, she starts to panic "don't worry this won't kill you. It will only make you see thong that aren't there," I grab her hair and pull her head to the side so I can get her neck, "no, please, don't do this," she begged. I close my eyes and let out an annoyed sigh, "shut the fuck up," then I stuck the needle in her neck.

I put the needle in the trash and go out of the basement. I go to Damon's office. I walk in and see he is talking to two of his men, "out," he ordered, the two men walked out, and I shut the door behind them.

Damon smirked when he sees me limp over to him, "shut up," I mutter to him, he licks his lips trying not to laugh. When he sets in his chair, I go over to him and set on his lap facing him, I put my arms on his shoulder, "Neavah told me that her father might know where Ryder is," I sigh putting my chin his Damon's shoulder, he runs his finger through my hair, "good," he whispered, I smile when his breath tickled my ear.

He put his hands on my hips, "I love you," he kissed my temple, butterflies run through me, "I love you too," I whisper back. "I got to show you something," he said, I get off of him and he gets his jacket, and we walk out of the door, we go to the kitchen and went out the back door to the backyard.

When we got out there, I see the city from here then we go back more.

My breathing gets caught in my throat when I see a lot of flowers.

My favorite. White roses.      

I turn to Damon who his already looking at me, "did you do this?" I smile, he nods, I smile even more, "I love it," I give him a hug. He hugs me back, he put his chin on the top of my head, "I did it when you were in Germany. I knew that I would get you back so that is why I did it," he cupped my cheek running his thumb across my jaw line.

I thin my lips, "I love it Damon, love it," I kiss his slowly, he kissed me back.

We go back inside, and we see Ares and Bella, making out on the couch, Bella shirt is off, me and Damon clear my throat. They don't even stop, "guys," Damon said, Bells and Ares both lift up their middle finger, I scoff and grab Damon's hand, "take it to your room," I hollered. I sigh and drop on the bed, "you, ok?" Damon gets on top of me, I nod, "just thing about how we are going to kill Ryer and try to get killed by the Irish mafia," I tell him.

Damon stuck his head in my neck kissing it, "don't think about that, now we are going to be just fine, I promise," he said.

Promises are meant to be broken.

A sad sigh came out of my mouth, but I push it out of my mind and put my hands in Damon's hair, "get some sleep, I'll wake you up later," he kissed my cheek before getting off of my bed, he helps me cover up and I slowly fall asleep.

Word count: 1122

Heyyyy hoes

Sorry this is short af but I did not feel like writing and yaaa

And I was up till four reading it ends with us

Bruh I hate Ryle



Anyways 😃 vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


Oh and Damon or Al's pov tomorrow


-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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