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"Do you know when they will let Bella out?" I ask Damon, he looked down at me as I was laying on his lap, she shakes his head, "no, but I will ask Ares, when he gets home

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"Do you know when they will let Bella out?" I ask Damon, he looked down at me as I was laying on his lap, she shakes his head, "no, but I will ask Ares, when he gets home." Me and Damon brought Kat and Ace home last night. Ares stayed with Bella all night.

He loves her so much.

I take Damon's hand and play with rings, "you like my ring?" He smirked down at me, I nod, "yes," I mumbled. Then he takes his fingers away, I was about to say something, but Damon took off one of his rings and gave it to me, "here," he handed me a black ring, but when I look closer, I see my initials.


For Alaska Sage Amana.

I blush with a smile, "when did you get this done?" I put the ring on, he ran his long fingers through my hair, "about a month before you went to Germany." Then I fell all of the guilt about leaving him, "I'm sorry for leaving you. I didn't mean to hurt you like I did," his face softens, "it is ok, Angelo, I forgive you," he cupped my cheek.

I still wonder where my parents are.

I let out a sigh. "what's on your mind?" His fingers traced my jaw line, "my parents. I wonder where they are," that question has been with me since I found out that my parents were still alive. Damon licked his lips, "I have an old friend over there in Germany. If you want, I can ask him to trace where your parents are?" He tilts his head.

My eyes widen, "sure, thanks," I smile. "Wait. Is that how you found me?" I squint my eyes at him. Damon smirks, "no," he said. Damon pulls me up on to his lay. So, I'm straddling him.

I stuck in a breath at how close we are. "No, how I found you is that I traveled the world just to find you," he said raspy, "oh," I breath. He smirked, "I would do anything for you, Alaska, don't think I wouldn't," Damon cupped my jaw. I cup his jaw, "and I would do anything for you," I see a smile pop on his face and one of his dimples show.

I grin, "dimples," I sigh, "I'm going to faint," I dramatically. He rolled his eyes, "dramatic ass," he lifts me up and put me down on the couch and he gets up, "I'm going to see if Kat wants anything to eat," Damon tells me before walking away. I get up off of the couch and go to the bathroom.

After I went to the bathroom, I go my room. Well now my old room, I decided to go back in Damon's room, but that does not mean we are together.


I see Nev in her bed, "when did you get back from work?" I did not see or hear her come in. She turns over on her side facing me, "I just came in. Why?" she replies with a question. I frown my lips, "noting, I just did not hear you come in," I say, she nods and turn over facing the wall, "love you," she hollered as I walk out the door, "love you too. If you need me, I will be in Damon's room or downstairs," I holler back, "ok," then I close the door going downstairs.

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