10~ "I hate him"

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Heyyyyy hoes

How was your day

To let you know I'm sorry I got bored

And you will hate Damon

Anyways vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow


"You want to kill someone today?" That is the first question I got asked this morning, I turn around to see Bella, "who?" I sip my coffee

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"You want to kill someone today?" That is the first question I got asked this morning, I turn around to see Bella, "who?" I sip my coffee.

I love coffee.

"Don't know, Ares just want us to kill him," she tells me, I hum, "sure, let me get dressed," I go up to the bedroom and put on some clothes. I frown when I still see Damon is not here, after I want to bed, he did not come to bed with me, and I have not seen him this morning.

I wonder where he is.

Going back downstairs I see Ares, I go up to him, "do you know where your brother is?" I cross my arms, "no, but I got an idea where he might be," Ares walks to where Bella is, and whispers something in her ear, she nods and gives him a kiss on the cheek, "come on," Bella grabs my hand, and we go out to Ares's car.

"What did Ares say to you?' I ask curious, she glanced at me then back on the road, "just something about Kat," she mutters, something deep in my gut did not believe her but I decided not to listen to it, so I just nod and look back out the window.

It was about an hour or two before we got to a place, "where are we?" I ask as we both get out, "Al, do you still love Damon?" I was taken back at the question, I scoff, "yes of course I do," I will always love Damon no matter what, "then why don't you tell him?" Because I'm afraid that he does not love me back.

I don't answer her I just get my gun out and put in in the back of my pants, "are we going to kill someone or not?" My voice is much deeper than it was, she let out a harsh sigh, and we walk to an old looking house, "the only thing that Aes said is that he needs to be dead," we drawl out our guns. "Do you know is name?" I spoke quietly, "yes, Andres," he tells me. "How good of an assassin is he?" I whisper as she opens the door to get in, "he is in the top ten," the ranks are different by the past four years.

Me and her stop moving when we hear talking, "I thought there was only going to be one person here?' my eyes widen, she looks at me, "Ares said there was only going to be one person," she groans softly. I look up and see stairs, "come on," I whisper running to the stairs, "they can't see us, but we can see them," I put my gun down on a table, "it is not see through glass?" I nod, "nope," I bite my bottom.

"So, how are we going to kill them?" Bella wonders, I sigh, "we can just go in and shot them," suggested, "sure. Just don't get shot," she grins, "I'll try not to," I chuckle lightly, and we open the door and slowly and quietly walk to them, "ready," I point my gun at someone head, "yep," then I pull the trigger.

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