44~ All Mine

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Sorry I did not post yesterday I had to do something

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When I walk out of my office, I see Alaska and Bella dragging a body in

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When I walk out of my office, I see Alaska and Bella dragging a body in.


My jaw locks and I go down to them, "what are you doing," I see both of them jump, "fuck, don't scare me like that," Alaska puts a hand to her heart. I smile and go over to her, "tell me." I order, I see her shutter before talking, "we got the guy you wanted us to," she drops the guy's feet.

Bella drops the guy's head making a loud sound going off of the marble floors, Bella hissed, "that looked like it hurt," she puts her hands on her hips, "I'm going to Ares, love you," she kissed Alaska's cheek. "Love you too," Alaska said back.

Alaska picked up the guy's feet and gives me a look, "help," her voice lowered in warning. I go to the guy's head and pick him up, "you know I can put him on my shoulder and carry him to the basement," I eye her.

She bit her lip, "yes, but I didn't want you too," I give her a look and she roll her eyes. When we got to the basement, I put him down in the chair, I take his hands and chain them to the chair, I do the same with his legs.

I go over to Alaska and go behind her pulling her closer to me, I lower don to her ear, I can hear her take a deep breath, and feel her squeeze her legs shut, I push my legs through her legs, "don't close your legs, Angelo," I bit her ear.

She gasped, "D-Damon," she tries to keep a strong voice but still stutters, "yes, Angelo?" My voice laced with lust. "Go to the bedroom," she turned around, "now," I smirk, I run my fingers up jaw, "don't order," I lean down to her, "don't make me," she breaths.

I lock my lips, the tip of my tongue meets her lips, her lips spread slightly, "I'll be in the bedroom, don't keep me waiting, it won't be pretty if I catch you," I see a blush stain on her pretty face. I smile.

I go to the bedroom and go on the bed.

About five minutes she came in the room, I see her open and close the door, locking it. Before I could even say something she staddles me and rip open my suit, buttons fly everywhere. She kissed my chest going down to my pants.

Before she could reach my cock, I grab her arm pulling her up to me, "Damon," she glares at me, I glare back at her, her eyes immediately soften, "I'm worshiping you today," I flip us over, so I'm on top of her, I go down to her pants, "yes," she breathes out before I could ask.

I unbutton her pants and pull them down her long light olive legs, "beautiful," I whisper as I take off her underwear. I see her trying to close her legs, so I out my arms on them, keeping them down.

She whimpers putting her hips up, I take my hand on the middle of her stomach, pushing them down, she groans, I see how mad I make her when I don't fuck her cunt with my tongue. "Alaska?" She lifts her head up, glaring at me with those brown eyes, "how bad do you want my tongue in your pussy?" I kiss up her thigh.

She throws her head back into the pillow, "so fucking bad," I smile at her answer, "good," I kiss up her thigh to her pussy. "You smell so fucking good," I whisper, her hands go to my hair tugging on it.

I take her hands and place them to her side. "Keep them there. Don't make me repeat myself," I warn her, I feel her shiver under my touch.

Just how I like it.

I scan her whole body, "fuck this all mine," I say raspy to myself, even though she can hear, "all mine," I bite on the inside her thigh. She moans, her back arching off of the bed, I can tell that she is getting more wet because is breathing more heavier and trying to close her legs more.

I lick her through her underwear, she whimpers moving closer to me. I groan at the taste of her, "spread your legs more, Angelo," I grunt, she does what I said, and I slowly take her panties off of her, goosebumps go up and down her legs.

I throw her underwear to the floor, and I don't waist anytime to latch on to her clit, "oh," she lets out a long, and dark moan.

I lick from to her clit to her entrance, I look up with hooded eyes and see her looking back at me, her cheeks turn bright red. I smirk and keep sucking on her clit, I pull in her clit ring.

When I first found out that she had a clit ring, I was about to fuck come in my damn pants. It was so fucking hot, so fucking sexy.

She gasped, trying to push away from me, but I grab her hips pulling her back to me, "Damon, my God," she said through moans, I hum and thrust my tongue in her, I see her mouth drop open.

I feel my cock twitch when he clenches around my tongue. But I eat her out like she was my last meal to damn eat.

Alaska clenched er thighs around my head, she legs shaking around me, I reach up and run her clit, a moan left her plump lips, I moan at the taste of her, her hips start to ride my face, each thrush my tongue takes she moans and groans, pulling my hair and squeezed her thighs.

With my other free hand, I rub circles on her hips.

"Damon, I-I-" her voice turns into a moan, "not yet," I say, I replace my tongue with two of my fingers. She makes them sexy whimpers come out of her mouth. I go up to her face, "open your eyes, Angelo," I demand, she flutters opens her eyes, "taste yourself," I slam my mouth on hers, she groans.

I don't slow down my fingers. I can hear her wetness make noise at each thrust. Her long legs wrap around my waist. I see her tits go up and down at every thrust. "Damon, please," she begs against my lips. I smirk and chuckle, "your so fucking helpless," I kiss down her neck, "begging me, so fucking helpless," Alaska smiled, "so helpless," she wraps her arms around the back of my neck.

She sucks on my tongue, moans when I curl my fingers hitting her sweet spot. "You like being helpless?" I hum against her skin, she pants, nodding, "I need answers, Amore," I lick her neck, "yes," she moans.

I smile, "good girl, now you can cum," a soft cry left her lips. I help her ride out her orgasm and then she breaths closing her eyes. "We got to get you cleaned up, Angelo," she groans, "no," she turns over to her side, "if you don't, I will spank you so hard your ass will be bleeding, so if I were you, I would go to the bathroom," I kiss her cheek.

Her eyes widen because she knows I'm not joking; she gets up and goes to the bathroom with me.

Word count: 1301

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-Bri <3

-Bri <3

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