17~ Rest

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Heyyy mfs

How was your day

Ok like I'm sorry again

But the next few chaps will be happy

And at the end will be 😩😏

If you know what I mean

Chill vote and comment and I will see you tomorrow



also I need a ship name

Anyways have a great read


I lay a red rose on Bella's casket; a tear drop does down my cheek

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I lay a red rose on Bella's casket; a tear drop does down my cheek.

After I called Damon, they came straight where we were at.

As soon as Ares saw Bella's body, he cried and put her into his lap, he tried to wake her up, but he couldn't.

Damon held me in my arms, I sobbed, and I couldn't stop.

I bit my lip from not crying, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you," I lay my hand on her gravestone, "I promise I will take care of Kat and Ares," my voice cracks, I sniff, "I'll miss you, Bell," my throat tightens to where I couldn't breathe. "I don't think I can do this without you, Bells," I sob, my throat hurts.

Damon comes up beside me, "we got to go, Angelo," I nod, "I'll be there in a sec," he smiles down at me and walks off, I bend down to my knees to Bella's grave, "I love you, Bella, I always will, I will never forget you," I wipe my eyes.

I get off of the ground and go to Damon, "where Ares?" look around for him, "in the house," Damon grabbed my hand, I look back at Bella's grave, "I'll miss her," I whisper, Damon killed the side of my head, "she's at peace, Angelo," he cupped my chin, "now we got to let her rest," he spoke softly.

Let her rest.

I gasped awake; Damon turned his head and looked at me, "nightmare?" I nod. I rub my eyes and set straight in the chair, Ares comes in the room with Kat, "go stay with Ace, I got to talk to Alaska and Damon," he kissed her cheek, "where's mommy?" she asked, Ares stroked her cheek, "she's hurt, but she is going to be fine. Now go to Ace," Kat gives her father a hug and goes to Ace.

Ares comes and sets in a chair right in front of me and Damon, "how is she?" Damon sets up, Ares sighed, "she is fine, the bullet went right above her heart," all I can think about is the baby, "what about the baby? Is the baby, ok?" I say frantically.

Ares bite his lip, "the baby is ok, for a second Bella's heart stopped, but they were able to bring her back, the baby was not hurt, and we also found out that she is three weeks pregnant," a tiny smile touched his lips.

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