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Everyone has a secret they want to bury and keep hidden from the publics eye, whether it's from family, friends, or peers. It's something they rather take to the grave.

My parents- for example- high-class citizens, who strive for perfection, nothing less. My father aims to have the perfect wife, perfectly successful offspring, a perfect thriving business and a perfect public image.

He expects nothing less of perfect. No exceptions.

I don't fall into his ideal 'perfect child'. I'm the only one who doesn't have a name for myself, I'm not an actor, genius, or someone with clear talent. I'm the black sheep of the family. An omega, while the rest are alphas. Alphas with big careers.

My parents wanted a striving alpha family, having a talentless, brainless omega wasn't the plan. It's further embarrassing that I can't be useful and have kids, not that my father would approve. He's something we'd call old school. Men having kids is disgusting. Men in a romantic relationship with one another—same-sex relationships—are outrageous.

I agreed to live a life pretending to be a beta as a way to please my father—having a beta son is better than an omega son in his eyes.

A disgrace.

They'd be even more disappointed if they knew—my deepest desires, my secret. The ones I hid away.

I found a passion for being an adult streamer. Hiding who I truly am, left a deep longing for wanting to be loved and accepted by the watchful eyes of others. Streaming came as a safe place, no one knew who I was, and I didn't have to hide my deepest desires, my lustful desires. I didn't have to pretend—to be a beta. My viewer didn't care about any of that. They praised me for who I was—an omega—and what I loved.

I was free from judgment. For the most part. They had their judgement on how I performed but that was minor. It wasn't the judgmental pressure I felt from my family's piercing gaze.

"Hyung (older brother, or something a younger male would call another male that is older in Korea) someone's wanting to say hello" Doyun stood at the entrance of my doorway, his hand rested on the handle. Doyun, my younger brother, recently turned 14.

He's our family's golden child. The hope and pride of my father after a disappointing break—me—in his goals for the "glowing" family.

I groaned glancing over at him. The comforters slide from my body. "tell them I'm busy" I turned my head to face the other direction. There's an eight-year difference between us, my parents didn't wait to conceive—due to difficulties it took longer than they wanted- once they found out I was an omega. I swear they only had Doyun to make up for what I lacked. The horrid sounds I heard at night, still scarred me.

"It's Ambrose" He spoke. I lifted my head quickly, I hadn't seen him lately due to the difference in our schedules, and desperately wanted to. Ambrose remained in the public's eye with his growing popularity because of his striking looks and a possible successor to his father's billion-dollar legacy. Along with balancing a normal college life.

While I had less taking up my time. My parents still feared others finding out my second gender, so they remained keen on limiting the time I could spend catching up with him and Kaius, as well as other peers.

I rarely got to see them when I visited Auntie.

Since my parents separated themselves from me whenever it came to my second gender, Auntie Kiko—Kaius' and Ambroses' mother and close friend with my mother—helped me control my pheromone over the years and is the only person outside of our family who knew I was an omega.

She was more of a mother figure than my own mother. She became my refuge from my parent's glaring eyes. My safe space.

"And Kaius" Doyun finished speaking. "Oh," my smile dropped. I didn't care much for Kaius, still loved the guy but he's grown more into an asshole over the years. Our relationship has grown strained, he refuses to do anything other than be a dick towards me. It's like he has something against me nowadays.

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