Chapter 8

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I woke to the television playing, I looked around momentarily. When did we fall asleep?

Ambrose, Kaius and I were watching a new tv series, we must've forgot about time and continued watching it until we all fell asleep.

Both their bodies were resting against mine. With these two I'm always in the middle. I looked to Ambrose, he was sleeping peacefully. I placed my hand on his head before moving it to his neck where the mark was.

I moved his shirt to the side to get a better look, it was definitely a hickey, a fresh one. Was he already seeing someone?

I couldn't help but to feel sad. It was another reminder of reality.

"Why are you awake? Are you okay?" Kaius' voice was groggy. I glanced at him giving a small laugh. His hair was all over the place, he rubbed his eyes and he had a slight pout on his face. He looked like a child again.

"I am" I whispered "Ambrose is still asleep" I scooted away from Ambrose so not to wake him. I stood up too fast, I wobbled a little bit got my balance back.

Kaius groaned as he reached forward, his arms went around my waist. "Woah hey" I whispered as he pulled be down on his lap "why are you standing? Are you trying to leave?" He rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Shhhh! Cant you whisper" I quietly snapped "Duh I need to get home, my parents might have noticed that I'm still out" I felt his cheek brush against my neck.

"Who cares. Stay" he finally whispered. Why was he being like this, usually he'd be glad to show me the door.

"No let go!" I frowned trying to get up, but failed. I froze when Ambrose shuffled.

"Hey aren't you jealous?"

Random question?

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at him. Geez he was so close, my cheeks began to warm up, luckily it was dark and the only light we got was from the tv.

"I mean you saw his hickey. It's pretty obvious. So are you jealous that my brother is sleeping around" Kaius questioned.

"He isn't the type to just sleep around. That's you!" I scoffed.

Kaius smiled "you mean like us?" He began to kiss my neck "don't you wanna see his reaction to you having a hickey? Do you think he'll notice? Will he care?" His breath on my neck was warm.

"D-don't— Kaius~ he's right there. What if he wakes up" I looked to Ambrose. Kaius ignored me as he kissed around my neck. His hand slide under my shirt to my nipples. His hands were cold against my skin. He began to pinch them. A moan slipped out from my mouth, I quickly covered it and checked if Ambrose woke up.

"My my someone's getting hard my having their nipples touched" Kaius whispered in my ear. He was right my dick was itching to be touched. "Do you want my to touch you?" He teased.

"Please.. I need it" I couldn't help but to undo my pants. I needed to touch myself.

"Naughty boy, you can't touch" he moved my hand and put it on the side of his face.

Kaius was teasing me. He touched the tip on my dick with his finger moving it around "shit your already dripping. Your so cute" he kissed my cheeks before turning my head and kissing my lips.

Both of his hands were preoccupied, one continued to touch my nipple while the other touched my dick. His tongue played with mine as we kissed.

"Mmph~~" I couldn't breath. We broke the kiss, I began to catch my breath.

"Kaius~" I moaned as he began to jerk me off. I covered my mouth to stop my moans.

"Don't. Just kiss me" He spoke in a seductive tone. My face was all flustered and warm. I kissed him first as he told me too.

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