Side story 11

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"How could you betray me like that" Liam scoffed "You went and found yourself another alpha. Was it that guy you were with at the amusement park?"

My worried expression told him everything.

"It is. No worries, I'll just kill him" Liam stood up "Who knows maybe your bond will break"

"I'm not bonded to him! Don't hurt him, please" I muttered.

"Whether or not you're actually bonded to him, he touched what's mine without my permission" Liam scoffed. He leaned over me as he touched my face "You shouldn't have run to him. It makes me sad knowing you were in another man's arms"

That's bull. He couldn't care less! I knew he planned to sell my body.

"He isn't a part of my life anymore! So don't— please" I huffed.

"You know, I've known where you've been for a while, after the day I saw you, I was able to pinpoint you. I've seen him stop by multiple times. I'm sure he's going to cause me problems." He frowned before sighing "I'm sorry I made you wait all this time, I would've come weeks ago but you also had someone staying with you— who was he? He was cute, is he an omega too?" He had a mischievous smile on his face.

He's talking about Daehyun. My eyes widen in fear. What is he planning? What is he going to do to him?

Liam moved away from the bed as he got his clothes on "he is isn't he. I think I've seen articles about him, he's the omega who was accused of seducing some guy, wasn't he?" he chuckled "What a fun headline, it surely caught my attention and to think you know him. That makes things a whole lot easier"

"What are you going to do to him?" I stared at him with worry.

"It's not about what I'm going to do to him, it's about what I'm going to do to you. I need to weed out all that are close to you, just like that beta" Liam began putting black leather gloves on.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MASON!" I tried to get my hands free. Mason, please be okay.

"Oh relax, I didn't kill him. He's just in hospital. Nothing serious" Liam shrugged laughing "That face! Why are you looking at me like that? Would you rather I have killed him? I'm doing this to punish you!" He's insane.

I couldn't speak. My eyes began to water. All the people I love are going to be hurt because of me "I'm begging you to leave them alone! You have me! I'll stay with you, I won't ever leave you" I cried.

Liam turned to me "Lies, you ran away from me once before. The only person you need in life is me! You're so-called friends would only be a bother, asking questions and shit"

"I promise! We can leave together. Let's move somewhere else! Just you, me and Frasia... we can be happy together. Please" I begged.

I didn't care if I'd be stuck with my tormentor as long as Daehyun and Mason are safe... even Ambrose too.

If there's a way to get my daughter out of this mess, I'd take it. It didn't matter what it was. I wanted Frasia to live her best life, she can't do that with me. I'm cursed with bad luck because of Liam.

I want her to be safe. But how?

"Your words are tempting, it brings me joy knowing you want to be with me" Liam smiled "That being said, we'll be together either way, but I think I'll go with my way. That alpha will get what's coming and that omega. That omega, heh. You know omegas are hard to find nowadays, especially male omegas. The amount of money id get"

"He won't be of any worth to you! He and his mate are already marked" I snapped. Liam scratched his neck "Who cares. My clients are into kinky shit like that anyway. Fucking an omega who's already bound to someone, it's hot" He narrowed his eyes.

He adjusted the belt that held my hands together, tying it to the bed frame. "There we go, wouldn't want you getting out now" he tapped my nose "I'll be back my dear. It's time to introduce myself to your friend"

"You're fucking insane!" I pulled my hands trying to get loose. I watched as Liam began leaving "Me? Insane?! Ha! You made me like this. This is your fault Shay. You brought this on everyone you love" he glared at me before opening my door wide revealing three large men "Oh I have a few customers ready for you"

My heart dropped. When did they get here?! How did they get in?!

The men moved toward me with lustful gazes.

"Emanuel, keep the customers in check. They must wear condoms, when they are finished send them away" Liam spoke to the third man, who was in a suit.

"Please! Liam don't do this!" I begged.


*Ambrose's POV*

Fuckkk I'm in a shitty mood. I leaned against the alley wall with a cigarette placed between my lips.

Earlier I had spoken with Daehyun, he mentioned his conversation with Shay, then told me I should give him space.

What does he need space for? He can't be that pissed with me still.

I didn't understand Shay nor why I couldn't drop this and forget about him. If it were any other person I wouldn't have tried to get in contact with them. But Shay, it had to be that damn omega.

It made no sense to me. What's so special about him? Why did I feel guilty after our fight? It wasn't even that big of a deal.

Sure, I used him... ignored his wishes... knotted him... it's not even that deep.

I told him I'd take care of everything if he got pregnant. I didn't see my wrongdoing.

"I thought you quit smoking" My attention was drawn toward my friend. "Yeah well, I'm dealing with a lot of stress right now." I scoffed.

"Mmm girl problems?" Miguel stood next to me as he lit his cigarette.

"Somewhat" I sighed. I was oblivious to Shay's feelings. I didn't understand him. I'm not familiar with people expressing emotions, anger sure, but other emotions I didn't understand. That's not how I was raised.

Emotions only make a person weak and prone to people taking advantage of them. That's what our father always said.

"Man, C'mon your joking. The Ambrose doesn't get hung up on girls" Miguel playfully hit my arm "Let's go out tonight, get you around some pretty women and get this chick off your mind, whatcha say?"

I raised a brow. It was tempting but I had no interest in meeting anyone else. But shit, Shay has been on my last nerve, I had pent-up frustration and energy I needed to get out.

I dropped my cigarette and stepped on it "mkay" I frowned. I had a continuous nagging feeling. I couldn't seem to ignore it, but maybe going out for drinks would be a good thing.


But... this feeling. I couldn't shake it.

Shit, I know Daehyun said I shouldn't visit him anymore, but something was off. Even if he'll ignore me, I rather make sure everything's fine. "Hey. I'll meet up with you and the boys later. I'm going to make a quick stop somewhere"

"Oh? Okay then." Miguel narrowed his eyes. "Don't look at me like that. Damn I said I'm going, I just got something to do" I rolled my eyes.

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