Chapter 32

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I glanced around the bar trying to spot Shay. This was an interesting place, only omegas worked here. I didn't know too much about the bar and the 'extended services' they did (pay for time with workers) "Excuse me, is Shay here?" I leaned into the bar counter.

The bartender looked at me "Yeah he's in the back. Do you want me to get him" she asked. "Please" I nodded. I kept my face down.

"Okay," she walked to the back.

I sat at the bar as I waited. "Well well look what we got here. Hey, there cutie are you alone?" A alpha walked up to me. "No I'm waiting for a friend" I muttered.

"Well, I'll keep you company till they get here. Say you're pretty small are you an omega?" He asked. I ignored his question.

He frowned as he began to release his pheromones trying to get a reaction out of me. It didn't work, mainly because I was marked by Kaius, other alpha's pheromones won't work on me until the mark is broken.

"Sir please reframe from releasing your pheromones or we will kick you out" Shay ordered. "Oh yeah how you gonna do that?" The alpha challenged Shay.

"Fine by me, Ashton, we got one" Shay shouted. A large alpha came from the back and made his way toward the other guy.

"Fine fuck." The guy scoffed.

Shay sighed "Thanks Ashton, oh could you keep an eye on him," he asked. "Will do" Ashton gave a thumbs up.

I didn't look Shay in the eyes. I was ashamed and embarrassed.

"Daehyun" Shay hugged me "I've been worried about you. You wouldn't answer my calls" he frowned.

"I'm sorry" I muttered. "It's okay. Don't be. Anyway, how are you doing?" Shay asked.

My eyes watered but I wiped them before any tears could fall "I'm sorry to ask of this but can I stay with you? Just for tonight..."

Shay stared at me. He was hesitant but agreed "Of course. I get off soon, can you wait?" He asked.

"Yeah thanks" I nodded. It's been a while, I had missed being with Shay. It's hard to explain but he seemed to be the only one who I felt could relate to me.

"I appreciate you letting me stay the night. I'll find a place tomorrow so I won't be a bother" I muttered as Shay unlocked his door.

"Stay as long as you like" He smiled opening the door. The lights to his place were on. Did he have another person staying with him?

"Hey, what are you doing still up?" Shay spoke as a young girl ran up to him, hugging his knees. "She wouldn't go to bed without seeing you first" A man spoke.

I peeked over at them with confusion. Was that Shays mate? Wait he has a kid? This was unexpected...

"Uh Mason, this is my friend. The one I told you about" Shay started introducing us "this is Daehyun. Daehyun that's my cousin Mason and— my daughter, Fraisa"

"It's nice to meet you. I'll get going now" Mason gave a small wave before squeezing past to leave. "Night night Uncle Mason!" Fraisa waved.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to put her to bed" Shay lifted the young girl. She stared at me with her big blue eyes, she looked nothing like Shay. Maybe she had his nose, but other than that they looked different. "Go ahead and make yourself at home" he walked into a room, which I assumed was his daughter's room.

This was the first time I'd been to Shay's place. We lived completely different lives. I'm not trying to sound spoiled but I didn't think homes came this small.

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